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Everything posted by LeesburgWx

  1. I’m in DT’s 4” range. Means I either get rain or 12”
  2. So when do we kill this thread for the new one so we can get to double digits?
  3. I have 11” on the year now. Asking for 4” Friday night to hit 15”
  4. Yeah we take for sure. 1-3” to 2-4” seems best case. At least all models have it this time
  5. It is puking snow right now. Damn, it’s beautiful. What’s the long range thread have? Have not checked recently. We getting more snow?
  6. Yeah, certified ripping out right now. Everything is white again
  7. We Killed the old threads for the other storms for new threads. This time we pinned and unpinned and pinned the thread again. We broke the code for snow. #ItsOnlyStupidIfItDoesntWork
  8. Dafuq is happening? I get on and 250+ new posts and NE Forum in deep despair
  9. A question I have been wanting to ask, and now seems like a good time to do so, is what is a 100% perfect 500mb map look like for the DC area? There is always something to critique it seems so can someone draw a perfect map? I assume even with the biggest storms in the past, the maps would have had something to criticize. Thanks in advance
  10. I forgot what surface and snow maps look like due to 500mb maps being posted for weeks now. Digital blue time boys. Plenty of time to trend better being 200 hours out
  11. This all just guarantees the new King is, in fact, going to be the GFS
  12. Ok who’s killing the thread and starting a new one to bring this back to life?
  13. How do temps look for Feb 5th timeframe? Trying to decide how much more firewood to buy for the season
  14. Not gon’ lie, that is quite the upper air map and associated surface. Love it
  15. “The big ones are sniffed out early.” Long way to go so this seems appropriate
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