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Everything posted by LeesburgWx

  1. I’m honestly surprised Ji hasn’t debuted the snow wheel to his FB fans yet
  2. Been snowing in downtown Leesburg for about 45 min. This has been a wintry feeling month overall. Snow has been falling quite a bit lately. Fire has been on and will need to order more firewood very soon.
  3. I would quit this damn hobby for life if this happened verbatim
  4. Meh need the euro to dig more. Don’t like the bullseye up in NE PA
  5. I am going to run out of firewood at this rate if we don't torch soon.
  6. It’s been cold. And while we complain about lack of snow, at least it feels like winter. And early in the season at that. I’ll take cold and dry over wet and warm any day. Currently 21 here in Hamilton.
  7. Officially have a dusting now. Quite surprised for this early first season snow
  8. Legit snow in Hamilton just east of Purcellville
  9. How many perfect track rainstorms are we getting this year? Over/under 5.5
  10. Yeah, the current heading sure looks heading directly for the mouth of the Bay/Bradenton
  11. 4:00 PM CDT Tue Oct 8 Location: 22.7°N 87.5°W Moving: ENE at 9 mph Min pressure: 918 mb Max sustained: 165 mph We are back to Cat 5!
  12. That’s a tough solution there. The goal posts have pretty much been set from just north of Tampa to Sarasota it appears as of now.
  13. Wow, this is something. This area has been mostly spared for decades which I am sure has aided in the massive growth of development.
  14. So we hit 180mph officially this evening. Let's say it peaked at at 185-190 before recon got in there. Let's then say Milton drops to like 165 mph during the ERC and then goes at another run over the Loop Current tomorrow and hits say 185mph. The surge already created that is being carried with it now and then combined with another peak run tomorrow (while much closer to Florida at that point), we are likely to see some exceptional surge numbers somewhere along the Florida coast upon landfall.
  15. wow, sub 900mb is just so rare. Only 5 ever to do it in the Atlantic right?
  16. Not trying to hype here - this has the *potential* to change Tampa Bay. The population, development, vulnerability, and already hard impacted state from Helene makes this such a bad situation. We are talking a mega strong Category 5 hurricane's surge being potentially shoved into the Bay. Even if it weakens to a Category 3 at landfall, the surge will be unreal.
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