Warm start. Low of 42 here, already up to 48. Great to see some honeybees out and about yesterday and again this morning. Making a sugar water mix as I speak right now for them.
Yup and even worse was 2022 /s. Spent January-April with family in FL. This was my driveway on Jan 29 from a friend taking care of my dogs. 19" of powder. Drifts nearly covered the top of the Vette
Low of 19 this morning. Should get to the mid-40s. Some nice swell pivoting in from an offshore low. 5-8 footers. Might wetsuit up and catch a couple waves, but not looking forward to 42* water.
This looks like the most I could find. For reference this bench is just over knee high. Gotta be right around a foot. Radar shows 0.75" liquid equivalent. It is a fluffy snow too. Kinda pissed I didn't bring a ruler or tape measure. My personal measuring stick is no use either in the cold