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Everything posted by TJW014

  1. Show me these same map outputs on Monday and maybe I'll bite.
  2. Snowing again with some ocean effect. Stick read a hair over 5"
  3. Back home, calling it a night. Still a moderate rate of small flakes. Closing in on 5".
  4. South wind but certainly not strong. Maybe 10 mph gusts. It's a 2 seam poly flag so it flies very easily
  5. Still virga here but radar is filling in nicely. Headed to the beach
  6. Final call is 3-4" here. Might have some issues with anything sticking initially since I'm right along the water. Truck is loaded with firewood. 4 or 5 friends coming along to the beach for BBQ and drinks. Gonna be a fun night.
  7. WWA issued here. 3-5". Would make for the biggest event here in 3 years if I get over 4". So long as NJ state offices don't close, the plan is for burgers and weenies over a campfire on the beach. If not, we'll be towing sleds behind the truck down some fire roads
  8. I think 3-4" is a good bet for me. Similar events like this so far this winter have underperformed slightly so I'll sit on the lower side of things. I do have a concern to see maybe some mixing right along the shore with that east wind developing but we'll see what happens
  9. Winter Storm Watch issued for me. 4-6" with localized amounts of 6-8" per Mt Holly. We'll see what happens.
  10. That was northern Monmouth that cashed in. We got shafted just to the south of that killer band in a subsidence zone. I measured 12" at Sandy Hook and 3 inches in Asbury Park. 1.5" at home from that one. Exit 105 - Exit 63 on the GSP has been skunked year after year. Take a look a seasonal total map this year.
  11. I think 3-4" is a good "way too early call" for areas south of I-80. Maybe up to 5" for Mercer/Middlesex/Monmouth/Ocean Counties if the north trend continues
  12. In perfectly happy where this is right now. Just north of the heaviest axis of snow is. Since these time after time again will tick north last minute, it should throw me, CNJ and the south shore of LI in the sweet spot. I haven't seen more than 4" of snow in my yard since 2018 (I was away for January 2022)
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