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About SuperNET1

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Monroe, NC

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  1. How close are you to Columbia Forest Products (plywood mill in PG)?
  2. This should be an event that is taken serious in Old Fort, Marion, Black Mountain, Fairview, Arden, Asheville, Spruce Pine, Lake James, Lake Toxaway, Headwaters of Catawba river and Catawba falls. You guys are in the bullseye.
  3. Customers Tracked: 6,393,683 Customers Out: 98,234 Last Updated: 2024-01-14 02:55:05 PM
  4. These are big numbers: PA Total - It's not going to warm up anytime soon either. Customers Tracked: 6,394,373 Customers Out: 88,424 Last Updated: 2024-01-14 02:42:19 PM
  5. Thanks for sharing all the data and cams - it looks terrible outside (and cold).
  6. I see another poster from Monroe too - that's interesting.
  7. Have not posted here in a while - looks like the same complaining of no snow and cold for the Southeast. We just had an impressive rain event today - take stock in the fact that its not sunny and nice (everyday) ....
  8. Camera is toast - that's all all folks
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