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About SandySurvivor

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  • Location:
    Jersey Shore

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  1. SE Louisiana looks to be dodging a major bullet this morning
  2. Wind speeds are higher and pressure is lower. Sandys surge and damage will exceed this one, however
  3. This looks like it might be slightly worse than Sandy
  4. Only one model takes this to CAT 4 now. Assuming the majority of models are correct this storm will not ever attain the strength or be as severe as Sandy was. Louisiana is going to luck out on this one.
  5. In terms of impact this isn’t going to be nearly of severe impact of something like Sandy. Im expecting impacts similar to Nate in 2017
  6. I am one of the most skilled tropical forecasters on this board. I was ringing alarm bells about hurricane conditions in SNE and RFQ impacts well before anyone else on this board. You have to give credit where it is due. I shouldn't be five posted just because I have skill in forecasting these events.
  7. Good to see my estimate of the storm impact is gaining traction now among the meteorology community.
  8. Sandy was a joke for many until the morning after
  9. I try to stay with realistic decisions. Great forecasters like myself inform others of what is the most likely outcome.
  10. I wouldn’t forecast that high. I have a lot of experience forecasting tropical systems and the waters will be too cold to get that much. This is going to be a billion dollar disaster
  11. Called it yesterday Those boaters should have listened to me
  12. you guys need to listen to me more
  13. If I lived on the coast I would get out now.
  14. I thought Sandy was a joke until it hit
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