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About Ecanem

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. Man the storm that hit us last night was wild. So much lightning my room was lit up. The rain and hail was so intense and loud. If you zoom in you will see some pink to purple returns of 60-69dbz
  2. Edit wrong thread meant for the Pittsburgh thread.
  3. My weather station hit 80 with dew points rising but still only 52 and pressure dropping. .
  4. I feel like there is a lot of rain in the region. Will this continue the river levels or its not enough?
  5. NWS just confirmed we are behind last years snowfall. I know we had a few bigger hits this year and last year was some miserable trickles but it’s crazy we are behind even last year.
  6. Another band and another special weather statement. Jackpot zone getting more. .
  7. Need an advisory and my kids school to call a fid day then we are heading to ski on Friday. .
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