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Everything posted by bobjohnsonforthehall

  1. I question the uncertainty range of this study. I seriously doubt that measurements going back to the 1960's regarding the top two kilometers of ocean temperature are accurate within plus or minus .003 degrees celsius. That seems highly problematic. The number of buoys that are currently in use versus the number it would take to truly measure enough of the ocean down to two kilometers is also quite problematic. As is the fact that this buoy system has only been in place since 2005. Finally, even if one assumes their problematic findings are indeed accurate, it will take some 300+ years for the oceans to warn by a single degree. Not exactly alarming. And to say with certainty that the change in temperature is 100% due to human causes as opposed to cloud cover or El Nino frequency, or any number of other slight variances in a highly complex climate system seems to me very definition of arrogance.
  2. Nope. I'm referring to Michael Mann the fear monger. Lol.
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