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Everything posted by bobjohnsonforthehall

  1. Amen to that. But we also shouldn't being paying for their national security. Let them do it themselves.
  2. Advanced rational viewpoint? Like yours? Yes master. Whatever you say sir. I will stay silent and let you do and say as you please because you know what is best for me. You are an arrogant know it all POS keyboard warrior who thinks you know better than everyone else. You keep thinking that. It's working great for your side. I'll enjoy my popcorn as you and your ilk continue your slide into irrelevancy. However, since I am all for more speech being better, I would like to hear your thoughts on what will fix some of these problems specifically. Heck I may even agree with you on some. I think we both see what is happening. We just disagree on on how to fix it.
  3. Ah yes. The world is all sunshine and rainbows when you can maintain a national security budget the size of my left nut because someone else is paying the tab.
  4. Buzz phrases? You post as if you have all of the answers. You speak of nuance yet seem ill prepared to listen to an opposing point of view. Not very nuanced of you if I do say so myself. You post with all the subtlety of a ball peen hammer...which no doubt you would like to use on those who stand in the way of you and your utopia.
  5. Government gets involved in education. Prices explode. Government gets involved in healthcare. Prices explode. The answer apparently is...more government? Sure. Makes sense.
  6. Just saw that in the February thread. "Elon Musk's takeover". Lol. Not enough popcorn in the world for me right now.
  7. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe it is going to be restructured into something more efficient at another agency. Maybe it remains in some sleeker format. You don't know and I don't know. Your apparent assumption seems to be that the entire thing is going away and will never be replaced by anything in any way shape or form and oh my goodness the sky is falling. Good luck with that.
  8. Speculation disguised as a news story does nobody any good. Most especially when the author doesn't have the intellectual or journalistic curiosity to do anything but parrot talking points of a singular point of view.
  9. Interesting read. Lots of speculation and scare and little in terms of actual knowledge of what is actually happening. Certainly wants the reader to feel a certain way without any actual facts though so I guess if that was the point of the story then...mission accomplished?
  10. Buuuuuuuuuut the free e-file program still exists. Link below. Although I'm not entirely sure why someone would trust the IRS to make sure that you pay as little in taxes as possible. https://www.irs.gov/filing/irs-free-file-do-your-taxes-for-free
  11. That's one of the greatest things I've ever seen
  12. Is that the pause that has been shown in some of the more aggressive modeling in terms of qpf? That group of about 30-40% that seems to remain in place south of Long Island while the rest depart for the coast of Maine?
  13. Six hours ago this model had our storm taking a selfie at the Eiffel Tower.
  14. Perhaps. But the NAM is in a good range for what happens 12 hours+ before the storm reaches our area. Those Dynamics are crucial to what happens in our area and the NAM showed them to be very favorable.
  15. With the way that the trough goes negative there is zero chance of the low taking that track. It's just the GFS chasing convection at the surface. It will come around.
  16. Definitely agree with your last paragraph whole heartedly and am glad to hear it. I appreciate your candor. What is ageism is defining a group of people in a certain way based on a view, perceived or real, within that group. Some of your recent posts were clearly in that category, even while you attributed misogynistic meanings to others. Self awareness would like to have a little chat. Warming of 2 degrees may take 100-150 years, even if the ever-incorrect climate models are to be believed. In that time, human adaptability will be well beyond anything that you or I can currently begin to comprehend. This is true looking back even 50 years. I have zero problem with finding alternative technologies for the replacement of fossil fuels. That is what progress is all about. I am just not prepared to throw the baby out with the bathwater and junk everything in order to try to frantically come up with something that we just might not be ready to produce yet.
  17. Gah! That sucks. Basically says that climate reconstructions based on coral cores from Palmyra show that the most intense ENSO activity seems to have taken place in the mid-seventeenth century. Hardly driven by the greed of the fossil fuel industry at that point in time, no? Also points to the likely cyclical nature that has absolutely zero to do with co2.
  18. Holy crap really? First you see something out your window and automatically "climate change", then you throw around Russia as a bugaboo and assume that America's farms will soon not be viable? Based on what? They are more viable now than at any point in history for cripes sake. This is exactly what i am talking about. Say what you will about "climate deniers" who don't want to listen to science, but my goodness. Look in a mirror.
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