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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. Seriously, unfollow JB. Your life will not have so many letdowns. That guy is like heroin for snow junkies. Just stop with him. March will never be the new January. Even with tons of snow it melts way too fast. Snow cover to me is much more important. I don't get why people get so excited for storms if they just melt within a few days.
  2. Can not wait to escape to Florida this weekend. I absolutely detest cold rain. I love winter but these are the days that bring me deep down.
  3. I honestly hate this type of weather more than anything. Especially when we are getting into the prime snow weeks. Next 6 weeks are our best for getting a sustained snow pack if we will get one this year. I am hoping that next summer is much more drought like if I am still around the area.
  4. Chill. It will be mild to start January.We know this. Quit saying there is an agenda. We have discussed the cold down extensively throughout this month for January. All of us know and most of us hope it will happen. However, it looks like a usual cold shot right now that last 3-5 days before relaxing. If you keep attacking quality posters, Especially Bluewave, you will find yourself ignored from many of us.
  5. Please keep the politics off this page. If people think 8 billion people have no effect on the planet then let them live in their ignorant bliss. But take a trip to the Keys, the Maldives, or any coastal area to see the effects of increasing sea level. And while people point out the earth has been much warmer in the past, that is true, but guess who wasn't here then? 8 Billion and growing people. The science is the science. I believe our current lifestyle won't change. Why? Because already we are far more efficient than ever. Our per capita energy consumption is actually lower today that it was a decade ago in the USA. Science is helping with all of this. Even the largest corporations are investing heavy in alternative energy. So please. Science, just like medicine is not politic. And before you say but it is only a theory, remember that gravity is only a theory, evolution is only a theory, etc. So let's everyone just hope to god we get a big snowstorm so we can all have fun. And I'd be more than happy to ever talk vector-borne diseases (tick and mosquitos) and what we are seeing. Now to go catch my flight for Christmas part II.
  6. This thread is garbage on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to all. Wish we could show everyone how science is really done and I have never received my big payday from the government for showing tick risk increasing to the north as climate warms. Which department do I write to receive my compensation?
  7. Definitely. Always latitude. We have been lucky in the nyc metro this past decade. My parents still live near Hartford so I was like my dad didn’t tell me about any 30 inches! Haha I still love to ski at Ski Sundown up there. My grandparents lives on the CT shore growing up and most Christmases we would have snow in central CT and they never had anything at the shore. We’ll see what this winter brings
  8. Hartford has recorded approximately 19.5 inches of snow through the season thus far. The average for this date is 5.2. So yes, we’ll ahead of the curve, not 30 inches. Where is the 30 inches coming from?
  9. Why are their two pinned discussions for the same storm? Tis confusion.
  10. Have you met @Snow88? Haha might give you a run for your money!
  11. I was going to ask too. Repositioning flight or legit someone just avoiding the bridges? How long would that flight be?
  12. It looks more wet than white. Who cares if it snows 1-3 inches then races to 50 and rain? This is the point I have made several times from an ecological perspective. Days with snow cover matters more than inches of snow in a year. Edit: hoping I am wrong but still not having much faith and having a bad day haha. I hate this type of weather more than anything (cold rain).
  13. I'm sure there have been, at least for Albany as they can get into cold and dry patterns. 2015-2016 was one such year where Albany recorded 16.9 inches and NYC (Central Park) recorded 32.8 inches. It is very very rare though. I would say Buffalo will almost always win barring a bizarre pattern. NYC really is not known for high average snowfall, especially by NYS standards. We take what we can, it is highly variable here. Some years it is epic, others not so much. The 2010s have, for the most part, been amazing for us. NYC History: https://www.weather.gov/media/okx/Climate/CentralPark/monthlyseasonalsnowfall.pdf Albandy History: https://www.weather.gov/media/aly/Climate/ALY_Seasonal_Snowfall_Totals.pdf
  14. We all know how the LR is that is why. I'm hoping for a big white Christmas this year. And if it won't be white we just booked a trip to Florida for January.
  15. Should we open a nostalgia thread? haha j/k
  16. Yeah but at one point he was saying over a foot I believe. Anytime he goes in I panic because it is a curse for us like DT can be.
  17. So in conclusion, we were JBed. Whenever he starts talking historic I-95 storms, we get screwed.
  18. We can make margaritas with the road salt! Puddles and slush here.
  19. News12 just posted a coating to an inch or two for the rest of the evening in Westchester. Guess they are not impressed with the system.
  20. This one was a hard storm to get right, but yeah anytime you have a two part system and melting in-between people will get the pitchforks ready when the pretty colors do not line up to what is actually on the ground in-between. But it was definitely interesting to see how people down here in the NYC area expected something major when that really was never in the cards.
  21. Rates really slowed down here in southern Westchester. Heavier bands are still possible. The only 100% definite so far with this storm is that JB's call of 'feet' of snow for the I-95 corridor will not pan out, unless he backtracks and then says that he meant the I-95 corridor in Maine. Other than that I think the NWS forecast is still in play, but if we do not see things start to fill in by 9-10PM then we are toast.
  22. The majority were open with early dismissals right around the time models have the storm moving in. I was shocked how few districts were closed this morning. Glad many more are dismissing early, I just hope they get out before too long. I know Tuckahoe and Eastchester are still in session and planning on a full day.
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