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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. Really? I’ve been seeing a lot of the same usual epic winter ahead lately on Twitter. Granted I rarely log on these days. Most of the true pros I follow went below average to average. A few of the skiing guys I follow are down about this winter. I’m just busy trying to pack up for the move, but sure hope for snow in Putnam County!
  2. Just wondering has Twitter Wx ever predicted a normal to below average snow season? Because typically all I ever see there is above average snow, especially from the #natgas crew.
  3. Merry Christmas! I have never seen snow melt as fast as last night. Combine with losing power for a few hours and trees toppling we had an adventurous Christmas Eve night. One a child wakes up on Christmas, even if it is 4am, good luck getting them back to sleep! It feels way too warm once again on Christmas.
  4. Yeah sleeting quite a bit now in Tuckahoe. Have a good amount of snow and definitely blowing and drifting. Might have a hard time getting to those forecasted amounts though.
  5. Well my two year-old absolutely loved the snow! Took some time getting him in! Before the storm started I asked him if he liked the snow or beach better. The answer was a clear "beach". Now that answer after the storm started is a clear "snow". Very interesting storm out there. Near whiteout now!
  6. Tell him that! I feel like I am the baby and he is the energizer bunny. I guess I'm a dollar store battery and he is a premium brand.
  7. Over the past few years I have learned not to get too caught up in model fluctuations and exact amounts. That combined with having a toddler means I don't stay up for model runs anymore. But two things: we have a cold airmass and things still look good at the beginning. That said this is still an early season storm with a warm ocean nearby. While it might not be the best for the city, this is HUGE for southern NY and southern New England ski areas that have been badly hurt the last few seasons. Let's get that white gold to them!
  8. Going to Carmel, NY for now. About my max for commuting for the time being. But very excited to be closer to skiing (even if not the big mountains of the north). Yeah it is mind boggling how many areas have still not even been able to do a test run of the snow making systems. We could use a week with lows in the mountains being below 27. Let's make it happen! Right now the best skiing is in New Jersey... Inside a building off I-95. Depressing.
  9. Thanks! I am excited to be further north as much as I love southern Westchester, it will be nice to be up by mountains too. I just hope we do get these overnight freezing temperatures this weekend. Would love for these tiny flies to die off for the year. It is just frustrating without truly cold air. I'd take warm days if we could at least get cold nights! Fingers crossed for snow to get us all in a festive mood, even if it is just a dusting. I am worried though about the ski areas because they need this season as do us winter sports people. Being outside really keeps risks of covid down, and it is still good exercise. Most importantly just getting outside is good for mental health. We all need more of this!
  10. Not everyone was praising the great pattern. Plenty have been pointing out why this year isn't a great year. I am deeply concerned. Even looking at Killington (granted I probably won't get there this year), they are well below where they should be for this time of year. While sure we might get a big storm at some point, I do wish we could actually get some freaking sustained cold! Even this pattern isn't 'cold'. There are still tiny flies coming in my windows when I have them open. I am excited though as we will be moving further north to the Carmel area, so hopefully a bit more snow up there during the winter! Finally pulled the plug on a new place, so bye to southern Westchester for now.
  11. I do wish I had half the optimism for this winter, snow wise, as the majority of the people posting in this thread. I just don't see anything to give me hope of a white Christmas, let alone an average to above average snow year. We will see, but it would be nice to have a good ski season for a change.
  12. I'm fine with the cooler than normal daytime temperatures, but I do not want the heat on and I definitely do not want to hav windows closed because it is cold. We already have a small outbreak where I teach and being indoors with windows closed will only make things worse. This is one year where I would be okay with warmer than average temperatures for much of winter, as much as I love snow and skiing, I am very worried about increasing risk.
  13. Agree 100%. The more fresh air we can keep in buildings the better. Schools right now need to exchange air at least 4 times an hour and that is much harder to do when you have to heat it from freezing. Also, even though indoor dining is open, I still won't do it right now. Had a few coronavirus scares personally both in the spring and this fall. I teach at the university level and have been trying to do some in-person teaching. I love winter and all that, but let's hope we can keep windows open as late as possible.
  14. Would be nice if she would drop off some tomato pies. A joke for those from CT. Mmm I could go for some Sally’s right about now. In all seriousness though hopefully this one doesn’t strengthen. Louisiana is in very rough shape.
  15. It’s like they forgot how hot our past few Septembers and October’s have been. Working in the field on ticks I can tell you we can get real heat and humidity well into the fall.
  16. Just had some transformers go. Pretty loud explosions. Always amazes me how if there was 1-3 inches of snow with this everything would be closed but since it is a tropical storm it is basically business as usual.
  17. Was I the only one that forgot we are in August today? I was looking for the July thread and scratched my head wondering why it wasn’t near the top. Even though most days are similar I feel like time is flying by. Can you believe it is already hockey season ;-)
  18. That is about right on target for the time of year for the South Pole. Normally the coldest month of the year is September with an average high of -63F and an average low of -78. Warmest is January with a high of -9F and low of -19F. I think that may be too cold even for the extreme winter lovers of this forum.
  19. Sorry but it really goes to show you how lacking our education system is in the sciences. They don't teach weather like they used to. I remember have discussions in grade school about the different types of precipitation.
  20. Do you know if they are blacklegged ticks or dog ticks?
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