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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. They are looking okay. Only 6 trails open and not edge to edge coverage. It will be interesting to see how they hold up today and tomorrow. Whatever happens though, it will be bulletproof ice for Saturday and Monday. I used to mountain bike, but hopefully once my son is old enough I'll get back into it. Let me know if you are ever around here!
  2. Good lord! Could you imagine walking into a store in a sweatshirt then walking back out into that?! These temperature drops are seriously impressive.
  3. I know this is largely a rain storm coming in, but I am shocked we don't have a thread for the wind threat and temperature drop! This could be very impressive on those fronts. Glad to see local ski areas stockpiling snow though at the moment to hopefully push it out after the rain, but then it will turn to straight up ice.
  4. I'm very much center, but it just baffling that physics and thermodynamics can be political. I always ask my students why wouldn't we want to be cleaner in the future. Also, we can't judge the past by what we know now because fossil fuels were very much key to getting us to this point, but now we do have the knowledge to have a more sustainable future.
  5. I hope this does not get deleted because I do think it is important information. I am an ecologist that teaches both ecology and some climate science at a university. The amount of warming we are seeing right now is beyond what we have even seen in the past. People think in such short time scales. Even when you talk about 200,000 to 10,000 years those are massive time scales and yeah 4-8 degrees is huge (200,000 years is over 1,500 current human generations!). We are currently talking about 3-4 degrees in UNDER 300 years. The only major thing to change this fast is fossil fuel combustion. It seems so hard to fathom that the Model T will turn 115 years old next year. Think about what the world looked like just 115 years ago prior to the Model T. Further, for people born in the 1950s, there were just 2.5 billion people on the planet. We hit 8 billion just before Thanksgiving this year. Tremendous levels of growth at all scales. Physics CANNOT be denied. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet some want to make it seem like combusting millions of tons of carbon by humans cannot possibly change and destabilize the climate. That is completely incorrect. Also, when you do see massive temperature swings on the planet they are usually around mass extinction events. Humans won't be around forever, but as it is now we have hardly been 'around' compared to the planet. Further something that a lot tend to gloss over is the ocean does store a lot of our carbon, which in turn leads to ocean acidification. We have already seen over a 30% increase in acidity of the ocean since the Industrial Revolution. This is putting a lot of stress on anything that creates a shell and also corals. The science is out there and it is not political in the least. It is literally simple physics from the laws of physics. Happy to discuss on other threads. As for climate factors worth studying. We do study them. We also have quite a few models that can model the climate based on atmospheric gases in the past. Currently, warming is not occurring faster than even some of the more aggressive models have forecasted.
  6. Was there still smoke billowing out of the United Center from the smoking the Rangers gave the Blackhawks last night?
  7. Idk about you but with the torches of past recent Christmases we actually fired up the grill a few times to cook the turkey outside while wearing shorts! I'd be happy with cold and maybe flurries.
  8. Hoping to hit it up some evenings with my four year-old boy. He loved skiing last year. Been cool watching them blow snow all week. It is weird the older I get the more I love winter (I thought it was supposed to be the other way around). I just look forward to cold-crisp nights and mornings with the crunch of snow under your feet.
  9. I'm off 311, not far from Thunder Ridge! We moved up in July. It is like living in Vermont but still having the benefits of trains to the city. It does feel like snow, and I'm shocked how well our 2.5 inch snow pack has held up. It is amazing working in the Bronx and coming home and seeing the huge differences in weather.
  10. I have to say I'm loving the move from Tuckahoe to up here in Patterson, NY. Feels and looks like winter. I do wish we were right on the line for this storm. It could be mostly rain or 3-6+. Either way, we are ready. Going to the Rangers tonight so heading home could be interesting.
  11. Definitely. This might be their first year where it just isn’t in the cards. It is risky but usually they get at least a window by now to really blast the guns. Not so much now. It will be interesting to see if the drought pattern comes back full steam. Lots going against this winter but my four year old wants to ski (and so do I). Although I am enjoying not burning money (heating oil) right now.
  12. This is what I don’t get, that winter was garbage, but sure we had one historic storm. I remember that winter being up at Killington Peak eating outside in February with terrible conditions. Proceeded to just drink beer and relax. The best winters are not even the most snowy to me, but rather they have a prolonged period of snow cover. Today just feels like late summer out. Humid and warm. Speaking of Killington, they are now behind with snowmaking and the Women’s World Cup race on Thanksgiving is already in jeopardy.
  13. The next few weeks are going to be stressful for linemen on the east coast. A lot of eastern states have sent help to Puerto Rico and now eastern Canada will need a ton of linemen to repair the damage after tomorrow. This will quickly be followed by the need for linemen most likely in Florida. A quiet season suddenly turned into a very LOUD and COSTLY season within the blink of an eye. People don't remember a season for the number of storms, then remember them for the severity and this week along could prove to be one of the costliest weather disasters we have seen in quite some time. Fiona will likely be Canada's costliest and most damaging storm of all time.
  14. It was quite nice up in Patterson, NY this morning. Car thermometer said 42 degrees at one point. Felt great!
  15. Just throwing it out there... People saying summer is over better also say that winter is over during the last week of February. We can still see some impressive heat spells in September and even early October just like we can still see some impressive snowfalls in March.
  16. I moved up to Patterson, NY last week and thankfully we have central air. A bit afraid of the first power bill. I figured I’ll get the best of both worlds up here. An okay commute to the city, snow in the winter (close to Thunder Ridge), lots of lakes to swim in, and beautiful falls! It has been very hot this week up here.
  17. Please pick up some Michelbobs ribs across the street from the Naples airport. The best ribs ever outside of Texas.
  18. Exactly. Usually that second week in February for me when I start thinking about time running out to get some quality skiing in. Usually that second week in August we can start counting down to the end of swimming season.
  19. You are joking right? Yesterday was the longest day length of the year! It won't be truly noticeable until August. July 8th is the first date we start losing more than one minute of daylight a day. Once we get into the second week of August and sunset is before 8 is when people start to truly notice it.
  20. The most amazing story of this summer so far is the near absolute absence of high dew points. This just doesn't feel like our usual summers so far. Granted there is a long way to go, but so far this season just 'feels' different.
  21. Of course! It is April 25th! It’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!
  22. The air is most definitely cleaner now. Even with more cars on the road, emissions standards are much more strict today than they were back then. Same with water. At least rivers are no longer catching on fire… But even on a beautiful day, you couldn’t see the top of the Empire State Building back in the 60s. I wasn’t alive back then, but have studied this stuff as I have to teach it. The sound is also much cleaner. The pollen issue though is worse and getting worse. We have to stop planting these non-native plants.
  23. Ice cold run off from Greenland's ice sheets. this could play an important role in destabilizing the climate of Europe by affecting the Gulf Stream.
  24. Lots of local ski areas are calling it a season today after the lifts stop spinning. Overall the local ski season got off to a late start and a somewhat earlier ending. The snow was pretty great throughout the season though although there were a couple of slush days, especially this past week. Let’s hope that next fall the cold air can get in here around Thanksgiving to allow for earlier snow making.
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