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About JustinRP37

  • Birthday 01/14/1986

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Patterson, NY

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  1. It always amazes me that people forget the laws of physics when it comes to fossil fuels. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed (we must have forgotten that fossil fuels are exempt from this and once burned they disappear and have no effect on climate). Also, the “ it was warmer in the past” argument. Well, yes, it was, but let's also see how current-day plants and animals would survive in those climates millions of years ago. We aren't bacteria. And we wonder why measles is coming back when people believe scientists and doctors are full of $ hit. I swear we live in one weird timeline. Anyways, let's please talk about the weather and how after today we trend back down to below seasonal norms for temp before returning to right around seasonal norms next week? Maybe?
  2. I'm merely pushing back on the people saying average temperatures don't matter. Sure a summer can have 30+ 90 degree days, but if it cools off to the 50s/60s each night with low humidity that isn't as bad as a summer that has overnight lows in the upper 70s with 70 dew points. People died back in the day from lack of air conditioning and infrastructure. We won't get heat waves anymore with dew points in the 50s because of our environment today, but it does matter. Merely looking at the number of 90+ degree days is not a good representation of 'climate' that is why we use averages. That is all I was pointing out.
  3. With all do respect as an environmental scientist, this is not true. We have had days in the high 90s with 50-60 dew points, even last year we did. Most of our record highs are with lower dew points. The reason why moisture in the air causes the higher low temps is because of the thermal energy of water vapor. A temperature of 104 is hotter, but if dry, it is much 'easier' to cool off. That is also what fuels storms, heat + humidity. It is also why those lows remain much higher. Throwing out that data because you think it is bogus is not wise. Sure super high temperatures are interesting to see, but a summer with very high humidity and warm overnight lows is telling in and off itself.
  4. This would be so incredibly terrible scientifically. Technically 89 degrees with a few point of 78 holds much more thermal energy than 98 and a few point of 48 thanks to the high specific heat of water.
  5. I honestly can't remember a winter with as many wind holds on ski lifts as this year.
  6. I'm not miserable and judging by how skiing and snowboarding is growing rapidly I think there are more and more winter lovers. Plenty of climates to enjoy in the country. I always ask people why live where you are miserable? Plenty of places to live without seasons. Phoenix being a popular destination without humidity and clouds! Also still close to epic skiing.
  7. How do people on here not enjoy nice cold mornings? You feel invigorated when you take that deep breath in. Very weird how once we get to February some are just like naw let's torch. Spring is our most miserable season here from super hot to cold to many many days of cloudy and gloom with mist and 40 degrees. I'm an extreme guy give me winter and summer. I'm glad Killington's snowiest month is March and they are already ahead of Park City for snowfall this year. I think I need to move further north.
  8. I'm not so sure this jump to spring many are claiming to see is going to be happen as quickly as claimed. It is looking like the first half of March could be average (still above freezing across much of the forum area) to just below average. I mean sure 40s are warmer than we have had, but 40s in the city are still 30s and lower in the Catskills and points north. We'll see, but models seem to be backing off "early spring". I think March will finish right about averages for temperatures and average or below for precipitation.
  9. Very true. I don’t mind the cold, but heard that even with Belleayre, the express chair slipped off a tower today. Hopefully they can get it back up and running soon as I’m going to be there a few time this week. Gore for the seasons so far has just 95 inches of natural snow, well behind their average. For cold, this winter has been a B+/A-, but unfortunately not for snow (yet). I honestly think the northern mountains will have a great spring, Killington especially as March is usually their snowiest month.
  10. Look at holidays. Christmas was a terrible week, MLK day was a terrible weekend, and this weekend is terrible. Hell Belleayre didn’t even open today along with many other mountains. Sure it has been great midweek and I’m lucky enough to have gotten out there midweek but let’s face it these mountains make their money during the three weekend I just mentioned and all have been terrible. Hence the C/C- . And no the Adirondacks haven’t had an amazing season as a whole. February has been great but Gore and Whiteface were struggling with only snowmaking trails until February. Northern Vermont though has been amazing like Jay Peak. A C is considered an average winter, no grade inflation here. Sure it is better than last winter (F) and the winter before (D).
  11. I've moved this winter back down to the C-/C range from a skier's point of view. I cannot give it a higher score at this time because of how it always seems to rain during the holiday weekends this season killing conditions and creating treacherous, icy slopes. Mountains even in Vermont were struggling with heavy icing today and for the first time I can remember, there were widespread refunds. The temperatures have been decent and sustained cooler than average, but it looks like the season may have an abrupt end in March. Our winters are just too short lately. Hoping to still get up to Vermont and the Catskills through the end of March (maybe even a Tremblant trip), but we will see!
  12. It is some sort of cruel joke this year in an otherwise much better season. Great snow then oh wait holiday weekend? Let me make it icy! Then after holiday weekend, regular great snow resumes.
  13. Very true. It has been great for that this season. I just hate how we tend to get these one day warm ups during holiday weekends just to make the trails icy at the ski areas. Great for speed and those that are skilled but not as good for training your new to skiing or boarding folks.
  14. Hoping the 40s tomorrow and Sunday are very quick with minimal premature snow (rain). It looks like it will be setting us up for a great week of skiing but it will be a hard pack and icy in spots. Everywhere has a pretty great snow base going into the busiest week of the year for ski areas.
  15. Tomorrow and Sunday are going to stink with the warmth. Tonight we won’t notice much snow as we continue to warm up and change to rain. Saturday looks like a mix now which would keep numbers down.
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