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About PSWired

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Annapolis, MD

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  1. Some pretty intense hail for December here in Annapolis!
  2. This one had some solid lightning associated with it. Maybe 20 knot gusts when it passed over us, but apparently it was stronger just north in Severn.
  3. From the City of Annapolis (the high tide estimates have been revised up slightly since they released this infographic):
  4. I have a PWS located at the edge of the Bay in Annapolis that's got pretty full exposure to southeasterly winds off the Bay: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KMDANNAP2687 http://www.bayridgeweather.com Also one that's slightly less exposed: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KMDANNAP23
  5. I am using RadarScope for iOS and MacOS. It's the best I've found so far.
  6. Honestly KDOX provides pretty good coverage for this area so it's not a real problem. Just wondering what happened to KBWI.
  7. I see that the KLWX WSR88D is out of service for an upgrade, scheduled to return on 6/30. It looks like now TBWI is offline as well, for unknown reasons. Anyone know what's going on there, and an estimated return to service date?
  8. Looks like we have ourselves a watch as well: https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=MDZ014&warncounty=MDC003&firewxzone=MDZ014&local_place1=Annapolis MD&product1=Severe+Thunderstorm+Watch&lat=38.9653&lon=-76.4892#.Yt7XbnbMJaQ
  9. A little late, but here's what we saw of the Annapolis tornado from Crab Creek:
  10. A few trees and branches down near my office in Crofton. Was definitely the most intense thunderstorm of 2021 for me. We had a lightning strike right outside our office that took out our office network and cooked the electronics in one of our employees' cars.
  11. Pretty intense velocity scan just south of me here:
  12. They are working on tracking it down. I operate a wireless network on the east side of DC and was contacted by a FCC enforcement agent trying to find out where the offending transmitter was located.
  13. Where in Annapolis are you? Here in Bay Ridge I've only got ~3/4" of accumulation. Looks like I've been in a dry slot, but that might change here in a few minutes.
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