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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. 12z hrrr with nice timing to give us some needed garden variety tomorrow
  2. u look good to mcs tomorrow, hoping for some scraps
  3. 12z op euro looks nice for our area at the end of the run, hope we can ride a beefy juiced ridge to an MCS parade
  4. bathtub gulf looking to get active early feeling good about remnant chances this summer
  5. great looking week on tap, couple beautiful days with sun and cool temps then some summer classic with warmer wx, humidity and storm chances
  6. Yup, blessed nuclear state, we need massive scale prairie restoration yesterday, corn/soy in Illinois is the worst
  7. Looks active and warm, no death ridge in site
  8. we're beyond blessed but state is ruined by industrial farming and mono-culture hard to even imagine what the natural prairie must have looked like
  9. not seeing any real heat on the gefs, gulf opens up and starts getting active so hopefully that juices our nw flow pattern later on
  10. another best climo stretch after most of us got some rain
  11. gfs already shitting out fantasy range tropical systems in the gulf
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