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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. the gfs solution is pretty wild
  2. you answered your own question the amazon fires in particular are incredible
  3. yeah, this is a fair point, the downside to coal extends well beyond ghg
  4. lol @ doing the same thing in your reply that you pretended to be mad about
  5. My parents just got back from the Banff area, long story short they experience some heavy snow, i'll post some pics later. +SN in August must be awesome.
  6. I did it for the lulz

  7. I meant to get back to you about Seasonal but time flys and you know. Anyways I ended up doing lunch, my lovely dining companion and I both did a app and entre each and had more than a few different glasses of wine. I let the house pair glasses of wine which i like to do at places that know their ****, which they did and turned out great. It was a great overall experience, thanks, Alek

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