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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. getting some blue sky mood dust, obv accums not expect
  2. Yeah sux, classic rainer - CAD death cycle
  3. Ice definitely slushy so were over freezing, not that that's a surprise here. Remaining glacier gonna be unpleasant.
  4. Looks like a bit under 3 with a surprisingly nice glaze. D5 call was good.
  5. Solid sn with this last band, getting close to 2 now
  6. New screw hole about to move in but last gasp band before changeover looks prime time
  7. About half an inch down, 4 more hrs of 1/2 inch an hour rates should do it for another $$$ call
  8. Returns are p garbage over most of the metro now
  9. Snow has the low quality pinger like feel to it, assuming the changeover just a couple hours away so better do well now
  10. Ramped up nicely over last 15 mins, street now covered
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