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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. i made like two dozen posts sunday eagerly hoping for some airplane seeding only to have my prayers answered
  2. I see lot did a write up on this airplane induced seeding, a top 5 event of the winter so far Better than round 2 and round 3!
  3. Got more snow this evening than during the last event
  4. New returns moving in and it's here comes the rain again, would post the video again for lols but don't want to get in the way of all the good analysis
  5. Extended actually looks ok, some cold and potential for systems with some stones
  6. It's very light and not sticking, temp still 34, don't see more than a DAB with this Light white rain under these returns, not even a dusting on the bench where I do my best slant sticking.
  7. Still waiting on the snow part to start, better check the plumes
  8. Good question, I think it was the duration talk that got the best of me
  9. 2nd bust high of the season and it's not even February, embarrassing
  10. Hit the pen, watch the bulls lose, bask in the glory of another incredible d5 call
  11. 6 year olds just trashed my place, still raining, winter 2020
  12. here comes the rain again is still the funniest but that ashanti song is a jam for sure
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