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Miss Pixee

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Everything posted by Miss Pixee

  1. 29/17DP Light coating on cars, fine textured snow.
  2. 29/13DP dropped two degrees in the last 15 minutes. DP up from 11 in same time span. Broken clouds.
  3. This. It isn't even news...teleworkers have been doing this when everyone else has leave options. It's standard policy. Meanwhile, 33/13DP
  4. Okay. Temp still at 34, but DP is now 7. Weather app showing snow over DC before 8pm. Anyone else getting this time frame?
  5. Free rides for food? Asking for a pathetic friend.
  6. 34/2DP Hazy cloudy with a 'frosty' sun.
  7. Nice wallpaper. North, south, south, north...break out the pom poms, stock up on bread and milk!
  8. That looks like a big forearm with a thumbs up!
  9. 22 crisp degrees in SE DC. No wind, everything quiet.
  10. 26 this morning. Currently 33. The ground is hard and crunchy. No wind for a change.
  11. I'm a native Washingtonian and December has never been a snow month here in DC. Maybe different in other people's neck of the woods. Our window usually is Jan-Feb (and at times March). So when people talk about a white Christmas I assume it's somewhere else in the area (like 100 miles or more).
  12. I think it's a cross between a coot and a crank.
  13. A balmy 28 degrees in SE DC. Winds have finally quieted down.
  14. Hunky icy flakes in SE DC! Nice...cloudy skies, just right temps, still some fall foliage. Who could ask for more? Finally feels like November. Me likey.
  15. I feel ya. Mine's all set up nice and I can't use it even with solar curtains closed...103 on my patio right now.
  16. shizzle, baby. May as well save money and cook meals on the sidewalk. I've got plenty of foil and seasoning. They don't call 'em lazy, hazy days of summer for nothing. It's so hot the forecasters can't even keep up...on channel 7 screen says 100 and the forecaster is showing 96 on his map.
  17. Let's all do 102!! Rah rah SIS BOOM BAA!!!
  18. 100/44 HI 113 storms expected later (hopefully) welcome to the pit...
  19. 87/59 hot soup at 10:40 pm. bring your own spoon
  20. 101/23 at 3:30. HI a mere 100 Might not be on the patio until September.
  21. 102/32 on front porch in shade HI 107
  22. 101/35 on my porch with solar curtains closed HI 108 combinations almost don't matter at this point, HI is ridiculous
  23. 99/40 HI 107 Neighbor's shoes stuck to sidewalk, using spatula.
  24. 98/46 HI 109 Ah, DC summers...the natives know it well.
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