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Miss Pixee

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Everything posted by Miss Pixee

  1. 11/DP4 at 8 AM.
  2. 21/DP 0 The deep chill in SE.
  3. Are there bands later for DC proper? My app says no precip for 2 hours!
  4. Ha haa. Same here. It's snowing ice cubes. Should be a nice skating rink by tomorrow night. 28/26DP
  5. 30/29DP Mostly sleet from what I see. Icing on trees, grass. Streets slightly shiny. Not a particularly sexy storm.
  6. Temps dropping rapidly, now 33 down from 37. 33/33DP
  7. 38/33DP Per original local weather reports, starting as rain. Was pretty raw out last night with the dew points. Light rain currently. 1-3" forecast. Rain is very cold.
  8. Nice sugar cookie frosting everywhere. 33/26dp
  9. Technical question (I may be saying this wrong) What's the millibar numbers for say Mid-Atlantic Superstorms, the real snow busters? I see meteorologists mention systems by millibars/pressure a lot. And when do signals on monster storms generally reach agreement (time window)?
  10. Said it before and I'll say it again. People love being silly about snow. I enjoy it immensely but I ain't gonna stroke out about frozen water. May not be a popular opinion, but sometimes you gotta appreciate what's in front of you vs freaking out in imaginary panic.
  11. 28/22dp Nice car toppers and hill smoother. Estimate 1.5". Glad to have some traction snow over the nightmare runoff ice at the bottom of the driveway. Salt doesn't budge it and the sun hasn't made much of a dent either. A damn axe might. Ready for the playoffs!
  12. Add rum, cream and a bit of sugar to the coffee. HIC
  13. Those are great days for outside photography, same as moody April/May days at first bloom. I wouldn't trade four seasons of variety for anything.
  14. 22/DP9 at 6:45AM
  15. I just think folks like having fun with being silly. No harm in that.
  16. All quiet. 23/15DP. Early evening twilight, 5-630pm.
  17. Pretty consistent with what's out here too. All the cars and streets are totally covered again from 5:00 pm.
  18. Get their app on google play. Green pin = open. Yellow pin = delays/alternate work schedules. Red pin = closed.
  19. Still snowing here. ~8 inches. Slightly icy chunks, coming down steady. Cleared areas of snow covered again. 27/23DP will post new pictures soon.
  20. Snow is falling again! Holding at 26/25DP. My thuja giants are a bit floppy. And a neighbor's big ol' burr oak stands tall on the hill.
  21. 26/DP25 Not doing a whole lot right now. 6". More treats from SE DC...
  22. LOL there's been a truck sitting in the parking lot up the street for an hour and a half with all the pretty lights flashing. Probably gonna snooze all comfy with some coffee and doughnuts until sunrise. Gotta wait for it to pile up!
  23. 26//DP21 SE fresh...taken at 3 AM.
  24. 27/20DP Everything solid white including streets. Moderate snow falling straight down.
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