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Miss Pixee

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Everything posted by Miss Pixee

  1. Ice snow still falling/accumulating. You can see the slush tracks in the street now. Temp stubborn at 32.
  2. Turning into a small event here in far SE...even little buddies are coming out. You can definitely see icy areas on the streets now. Getting some decent snow cover, too.
  3. Cars icing a lot now...frozen "Popsicle" mobiles everywhere. Ice fangs. Grass now getting frostier white. I hear VA (mostly central, southern) has massive power outages, over 200,000. What's the deal with that?
  4. True. Being off the ocean does moderate the extreme stuff. Still cold as a mofo, though. Last week the arctic outbreak over the midwest was so cold they ran out of colors on the map...the purple turned into gray, lol.
  5. Icing up now in Southeast DC. Cars have cover, some frosting on mulch and grass. Streets are half glaze/half wet. Steady at 32 degrees. Roads are gonna get ugly. News reports of an overturned concrete truck at a SE gas station. Friend of mine at the hospital for falling on ice.
  6. You always notice the pattern of artic blasts like that forms a "V" shape down from Canada...it doesn't go across the upper latitude. I even saw on the news where it dips down into Houston. ND, MN, WI get it the worst with MI a close second. Even Boston doesn't get that kind of cold, being off the ocean too.
  7. Heavy sleety rain in SE DC. Looks wet but icy on grass, unpaved surfaces. Streets are a combo of wet and suspicious black ice patches. Don't envy anyone who has to go on these roads later. Power lines looking shiny too. Current temp is 32.
  8. Fortunately got a couple of inches from the last storm. I'm more curious about the temp layers. What's the deal with all the frz rain/sleet/ice instead of snow? Its like the air patterns are all funky. Don't get me started on the maps people keep posting. BTW it isn't as if DC is its own entity...I heard these same arguments about Richmond. Mother nature trumps, no matter what we think/say.
  9. Wait, what? I had put this storm on ignore...and its snowing now in SE DC! Accumulating quickly, too. No wind...its falling straight down. Temp at 33. The light coating from last night never melted.
  10. Steady sleet in SE, leaves and bushes getting a glaze. Cars have crackle frost on top. Streets getting shiny. Temp down to 33.
  11. That gives me some idea of what's going on where with the temps. I couldn't tell what was what by the reports.
  12. I never get emotional over snow. I love it, but its only a big deal here because we have a dramatic climate.
  13. Color me underwhelmed. Something is falling but not doing much. Darted outside and noticed its really raw. Still stuck at 34 degrees. But, I'll post these foggy pics for the geeks:
  14. The bulk of SE is east of the anacostia river (not capitol hill SE) is pretty much elevation and hills. You can actually see it from I295 or if you look across Sousa bridge. The whole horizon going from say, Northeast to the naval base area. I'm actually at 143 feet. Neighbors behind me are over 180-200ish, and down the block 75. Its like that everywhere here. Since all the news coverage is based in NW they tend to not pay too much attention. Navy yard proper is a concrete jungle now since the retrofit, hot as blazes in the summer. Now 34 degrees. Cars and non paved surfaces have a light snow coating. Streets seem just wet right now.
  15. Yeah, I'm not near the downtown core. Stuffs wet and slippery at the same time, like it's caught between ice and rain.
  16. Icy rain, tree branches lightly coated. Ice crystal skim on top of cars. 35 degrees in SE DC feels a lot colder. No whining here.
  17. For the hip MD crowd, locator acroynms. Cut, paste and save for future reference. Some of these you know, some are new. Just killing time until the next storm. MoCo montgomery county HoCo howard county SomCo somerset county CarCo carroll county WaCo washington county CeCo cecil county AaCo anne arundel county QuaCo queen anne county KenCo kent county HaCo harford county CharCo charles county DoCo dorchester county BalCo baltimore county AlCo allegany county GaCo garrett county TaCo talbot county WiCo wicomico county FreCo frederick county CalCo calvert county WoCo worchester county CaCo caroline county MarCo st marys PgCo prince georges county I may do one for VA, too. This doesn't work for DC, for obvious reasons.
  18. Me too I was in school...people were tying towels to their shoes and wearing football cleats to walk on ice. One old man had strapped broom poles that were jagged to the sides of his legs. Crazy stuff.
  19. The bulk of southeast washington which lies across the river says hold my beer.
  20. Temps bouncing all over the place now, 33 to 37, then 35. Now/34/35. Still snowing strong but some melting in spots as the lakes fall. This is one weird storm.
  21. Things looking good now for SE DC...huge difference since the rain onset 3 hours ago. Temp currently holding at 33 degrees. Streets covered in thick slush. Slippery, wet snow.
  22. SE DC at 35 degrees. Just sayin'. This was earlier at 9am.
  23. Everything is getting covered rapidly here in SE DC...still hovering at 35/36 degrees. Streets white, car toppers, grass...I have no idea why its sticking now at these temps and it wasn't awhile ago. Looks great!
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