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digital snow

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About digital snow

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Durham, NC
  • Interests
    Tracking BIG DOGS

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  1. Roads have caved in Durham. DPS went 2 hr delay and will have to call again and cancel. They should have just consulted me. Left foot, right foot.
  2. Official car topper in Durham, it's coming down good!
  3. WRAL just upped totals at noon 2-3 in Raleigh and 1-2 NW
  4. I thought we were here because it's unpredictable. Isn't that why it's exciting?
  5. WRAL claiming that the latest data is shifting everything NW.
  6. I would see you to your car but the parking lot is well lit.
  7. 2016 was the longest lead time lock that I can remember. I was living in Greensboro and my forecasted 12-18 inches was 1/2 inch of snow and 4 inches of sleet. I am really not sure if I can remember a big dog that didn't trend NW 50-150 miles or even more in central NC. Obviously it's a different setup and we could get skunked. I teach economics, not atmospheric science but I watch it happen every storm. Good luck to all!!
  8. If the piedmont were in the bullseye at this range we would be toast. The NW trend happens 9/10 times. I don't care about the artic wall, it always happens. It happens in Richmond and DC too. Most ENC snowstorms that I have seen are lows that get going late and drop snow in the northern coastal plain or fish storms that trend NW at the last minute and Wake gets the odd score with the NW cutoff on the fall line like it's opposite day. I like our chances at this range for both systems honestly.
  9. No flakes yet near Duke. I just finished blowing leaves out of the yard so they don't mess with my accumulation.
  10. Watching these things for 25 years has taught me that NC snowstorms that ride the line end up being a burst of snow and then a sleet fest in Durham. I hope we have an over performer and we all get crushed. Typical spots west to the Triad and north towards VA will do better. I am not complaining, we are starved and I love it. Give me that crunchy stuff. Radar looks juicy!
  11. Hey! I introduced myself in the sanitarium. Recent transplant and fellow weather lover. The pattern looks great! What if the models had blizzard after blizzard hitting NC at 300+ hours? You and I know damn well what would happen, and if we did get winter weather it is more likely than not to be over forecasted and then give us a dusting followed by sleet and frzrain. It doesn't look like a torch (and don't go all in that a torch won't happen) but it isn't time to throw in the towel. I have been back and forth from NC for 20 yrs and I have seen more winter weather here than NOVA (Minus the BIG ONE) and before climate change lol. My dates might be a little scratchy but Im not looking that shit up. 1999?- 20 in in of cold smoke in f'ing Central NC!?! 2002?- Snow & Ice (Severe- no power for a week) maybe 4 in. snow in durham and followed by 1" plus frz rain, 2002ish- several inches of sleet that was forecasted to be rain lasted for like 12 hours. 2005?- 1 in snow snarls traffic for 8+ hrs and kids slept at school ( I had to pee in public on Falls of Nuese the with car running). 2009? -SNOW ON XMAS- it was Xmas night I believe and it was like 6 or more inches if I remember. 2014-9+ inches *I was in Greensboro and built a snowman. 2016 was at one point forecasted to drop 18 in. in Greensboro at a 36 hr lead time and we got less than a half in. of snow. Yes we got sleet and frz. rain and it was still a big storm but not what we were wetting our pants about while we saw the DC burbs in up to 36 in. of snow. 2018- southern slider that pissed me off bad bc I saw a flurry and NC racked up plowable snow. I am sure you might have experienced many of those storms and I hope that it gives you hope that the big one is coming! Cheers!
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