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Everything posted by rollenwiese

  1. Nothing in Frederick so far. Looking at the radar, it's hard to project any precip making it up this way. WWA seems a bit unnecessary at this point.
  2. Just a lurker, but 1) love stormtrackers p-b-p, 2) seems futile to open a thread before an advisory/watch is clearly imminent.
  3. Really hoping for some precipitation soon, but my what an unbelievably tranquil Autumn!
  4. Man I was taking a walk on the west side of frederick city by Hood College and thought the sky was a little too reddish to the north. Not seeing anything now from my third floor apt though.
  5. The low level, fast moving clouds are gorgeous tonight, along with the cooler air.
  6. Hope Debbie is out of here by Sunday, heading to Canaan to do some Perseid watching...
  7. Warm. Finally broke down and put in the window unit this morning. I usually try to make it until July 4th, but not happening this year.
  8. Just for my own entertainment I hope that red/magenta pulse makes it's way to Frederick. Love to see some torrential rain before the beautiful day tomorrow!
  9. Nice finale for Frederick as that streaming band moves in. Roads and vehicles turning white again :)
  10. Yeah as kid, (and I have no idea if this was even true or not now that I'm in my forties), but it seemed like he always had a more serious demeanor which for some reason just jived with how seriously I took the weather But I also miss the days of minimalist local on the 8's weather forecasts...
  11. I just happened to catch this last night in Frederick, and it was definitely one of the most dramatic, long lasting meteors I've seen.
  12. Frederick may see two showers in one night! Loving the humidity and cicada's this week. A really enjoyable and tranquil late summer period we're in.
  13. Yeah would love to see some rain here in Frederick, with some thunder too. We've really been shorted so far this summer.
  14. I can only assume this was posted to show the green pollen cloud visible from space????
  15. Really just banter but this would be such a wonderful way to end this winter. Early Red Buds and Magnolias popping against a backdrop of white. Bringit.
  16. For the past ten minutes or so, the heaviest heaviest rain since Friday evening is falling.
  17. This is my favorite storm so far this year, at least for daytime. Really nice wind driven heavy rain with decent, but not over-the-top lighting+thunder. [pretty intense flash just now as I type though]
  18. I've been here all my life of 42 years. There's a great deal of variation across the county due to the terrain, but I can't go above a C unless downtown sees a 6 inch storm. Hasn't happened yet this year though.
  19. -> Interjection: I know HECS = Historic ECS, but what do the remaining acronyms expand to: (BECS MECS (Major?) etc?
  20. The lightning show to the west of Frederick, prior to the storm being overhead, had to be the best of the year. Just fantastic. A mean looking storm too.
  21. Yeah that was an amazing downpour. Was at the garden center of Lowes on the north side of town when it started. I had just noticed the deep orange moon rising when it suddenly just started pouring overhead. For about five minutes it was a deluge, yet the sky to the east was clear enough for the moon to be totally visible. It was a little surreal and just gorgeous.
  22. This happened to a Frederick resident, and granted they were somewhat well known, it made the newspaper.
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