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Everything posted by diatae

  1. Well let's try this again in the right thread: can report 14 flurries in La Plata. *It's Happening GIF*
  2. 27 with new growth on some of my boxwoods. *sigh*
  3. Of course it 33s and rains in La Plata. Still nice to see pinks and pops of blue on the radar again. Even if they're way west of me.
  4. 66, light rain, and a delightfully orange sunrise
  5. It's pretty out there! A/C unit cameo.
  6. I was wondering which plant was responsible for the gorgeous golden waves along roadsides these days! Is goldenrod a native plant I can add to my garden beds? I'm good with it self-seeding. I just don't want to plant something invasive.
  7. 58, sunny, and still in the plains this morning. Perfection.
  8. Torrential rain with strong gusts and a couple claps of thunder.
  9. Moderate snow is back after about an hour lull. Temp wobbling between 28 and 30. La Plata.
  10. Flipped to all snow minutes after my everything mix post. Deck and car tops caved. Full on snowglobe out there. 30/30 La Plata
  11. The last hour: heavy rain, light rain, oriole fighting a squirel, dog angry at both, dry, heavy rain, crows, dog angry at the crows, dry, rain-sleet mix. Whole time: breezy. 33/33 La Plata
  12. This came in the mail today. Time to throw all my money into the ground.
  13. The little southern squall came through earlier, dusted the mulch, and gave the kids another 2 hour delay. Certified snow town behavior. La Plata.
  14. Forgot to share these from the 28 January storm.
  15. Schools on delay due to icy roads. The kid will be happy.
  16. It sleets in the plains. 35/33 La Plata
  17. 2" here in La Plata. Snowy landscape has returned. Happy Saturday y'all!
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