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Everything posted by diatae

  1. Icy drizzle continues. 28/28. La Plata
  2. Rain coming down the heaviest all day. Younger pines are starting to lean a bit. Some melting on warmer surfaces. 28/28 La Plata
  3. Dunno what to tell ya. Was just reporting what I was seeing at my house way, way southeast of you an hour ago. I have an odd little micro climate in my part of La Plata that usually has me slightly cooler than other areas of La Plata. I have reported caved roads when another poster from the east side of 301 had just started getting snow to stick.
  4. Everything is aglaze, lol. Cars are encased. Icicles forming on the edges of the portico. Been in this freezing drizzle for about 2 hours. 26/26 La Plata
  5. The Euro has been on that crack rock lately. I'll wait for the NAM. What a time!
  6. Did you ever knooooow that you're my heeeeeeroooooooooooooooooooooooo. Measured 1.0" that fell overnight after the trace yesterday. La Plata
  7. Well, the light accumulating snow continues. Can record a trace for today. When combined with yesterday's trace that puts me at... one moment while I tabulate......... ......... a trace so far. Good night y'all. 29/29 La Plata
  8. Light, accumulating snow. 30/29 La Plata
  9. Flipped to light snow a little while ago. 32/32 La Plata Actually, better defined as a wintry mix.
  10. Sleet transitioning to sleety sleet. I did have a few flurries mixing in, but a neighbor drove by and they blew away. So there's that. 32/32 La Plata
  11. It rained in the plains. 32/32 La Plata
  12. I don't need to tell y'all that La Plata is a snow town. Hmph. Back to light snow after period of sleet. A few pingers mixing in. Car tops and trash can lids BURIED. Recording a strong trace. 32/32. I posted this in the wrong thread a little while ago, lol. No precip at the moment.
  13. I don't need to tell y'all that La Plata is a snow town. Hmph. Back to light snow after period of sleet. A few pingers mixing in. Car tops and trash can lids BURIED. Recording a strong trace. 32/32. Wrong thread. My bad.
  14. Light snow starting to stick to car tops. Temps dropping steadily since precip began. 34/34 La Plata
  15. 38/32 Light sleet and the occasional flurry. La Plata, MD
  16. Just bumping this to manage my own expectations.
  17. The Event thread is uh... eventful.
  18. I know where my dock is buttered. *chef's kiss*
  19. This is the content I log in for.
  20. As quickly as it turned on, the snow machine has turned off. After 6 hours of light to moderate snow, I measured a compacted inch. We got hours of some of the biggest flakes I have seen since 2016. A very pretty morning. 9/10 by Florida girl standards. One point docked for compacting and melting immediately. 32/32 La Plata, MD
  21. Still moderate snow. A brief lull to light snow for about 30 minutes, but right back to moderate again. Not gaining much depth, but it sure is pretty. 31/31 La Plata, MD.
  22. I'm just off Turkey Hill and my street is already gone. Lol. A gorgeous morning!
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