Views from my La Plata yard this weekend. We definitely peaked. Sunrise shimmering on golden leaves might be my new favorite color. Time to get on the leaf blower bros' schedule.
I'm glad to learn the name of this motha- *cough* plant! My south and southwest beds are chickweed farms apparently. The honey bees from the neighbor's hive are enjoying it until I pull them and cover that bed this week.
Looks like it will be a perfect afternoon to put my Meyer lemon tree outside for a bit! Bacardi (that's her name) has lost a lot of leaves, put on new ones, and produced a bunch of lemons since I brought her inside in October.
I think it's just my location for whatever reason. I don't feed them. I only put milorganite on the lawn. We get lots of Orioles, Cardinals, and Blue Jays. To the point where I thought that was the norm for this region.
I'd fill both with Allium Millennial. You'll get three seasons of green, summer blooms, the squirrels will avoid the area altogether, they're low maintenance, and drought tolerant.
My Colombian husband will only allow Aguila Roja in our home. We usually get it when we or family go down to Cali. On the rare occasion we run out, I have purchased here for an arm and a leg: