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Everything posted by Lucketts

  1. 21° here in Lucketts this morning. Pond surface fully froze overnight.
  2. Have a nice Nolan Ryan card from that year. So much fun to collect back in the day.
  3. That's a great card. My favorite in my collection is a 62' Aaron.
  4. Still have them? Mine still sit in boxes somewhere.
  5. Topps Oh, that gum. Flavor lasted all of about 1 minute. Still had to eat it though.
  6. How far has this trended south during the last few Euro runs? Is this a legitimate concern?
  7. 30° and light pixie dust here in Lucketts. Just drove back from Chantilly. Lots of freezing rain along the way but roads were decent and heavily salted on rt. 28 and 7.
  8. Nice! First Hopslam of the year here.
  9. 34/34 rain has (at least temporarily) stopped. Ground is once again completely saturated.
  10. Freezing rain for a good 90 min. now. Roads and walkways are very slick.
  11. Just visited there in late June. Doesn't take long to fall in love with this place. Was nice to revisit spring for a second time.
  12. 34/34 and calm with moderate snow now starting to stick.
  13. 34/34 and calm with a persistent wet snow. No accumulation.
  14. 35/12 in Lucketts. North of Leesburg and just south of the Potomac. Isn't the super moon tonight? It's visible but blurred.
  15. 28/30 with heavy snow during last minutes of daylight.
  16. Snowglobe style moderate snow. Accumulating again.
  17. Still snowing lightly here in Lucketts a mile away from the Potomac River. More than content with the results to this point.
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