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Everything posted by Plow'n

  1. I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to weather, but my gut says the Canadian model wins this storm. Seems to just do better with colder temps. Central md gets 6" . Just my gut after 37 yrs of snow removal watching these things unfold. Quit hugging the computer models lol
  2. The emotional roller coaster of this app... it's comical!
  3. I make a living off of snow, from bwi to dca so I have a hard time understanding some of these "hard times" over snow models. If it's a hobby, I get it. I'm here to learn and get a "non-hyped" 3rd party opinion from independent meteorologists who I mentioned above
  4. If madden Sim games predicted nfl scores I'd be a millionaire.. weather models over 96 hrs out, hell they're never right.. wanna argue? I've got approximately 2 yrs of data to show you while over 96 hrs out. Quit looking at them, be better.
  5. There are about 5 of you who know what they're talking about. I'm no wx man nor do I pretend to be. Outside of those 5 all the rest of you guys do is btch and complain about every single model run... the seasoned vets and experienced are obvious. Psu, chill etc. The rest just stfu and quit turning a potential 3" storm into 30 pages of crying. It's ridiculous. We're all trying to learn from people on here who know their sh!t but some of you insist on trying to speak the lingo and you get it wrong. It's embarrassing, you sound like biden..
  6. We finally get a good patten and the southern stream disappears like republican leads Didn't have to wait until 3am this time.. lie, cheat, repeat.
  7. Wait.. so we're not all going to die in 10 yrs from cow emissions?? Count me in
  8. We're barely into our best snow month and yet we're still relying on the long range modeling which has been terrible all winter. Something has to change and I believe it will. 6 pack of IPA's for everyone if we don't have a 6" storm in central md by 3/7. It is going to happen. Just remember you all WANT snow but many people NEED snow. In years like this those that need it will reevaluate their business plans but much of the time it's too late as they've already invested too much capital. That's when it becomes what I call snowgambling... the companies like myself who budget and account for snow as a bonus get by but trust me it still hurts.. just paying my snow and ice insurance would put most of our kids through a semester at yale. Nevermind the amount of chemical..
  9. You'd like to think a blind squirrel will find a nut. I mean eventually these models will verify, even if by default
  10. From day to day this best way to describe the emotions on this site are like a soap opera. Each episode (model run) the main character dies and everyone mourns, then the next day the main character is back! It's quite comical to watch the emotional roller coaster lol.. serious question, whatever happened to forecasting?? Not just relying on CAD? Again, idk so it's a serious question not a smartass remark or snide towards anyone. It just seems like the only thing models nail are slam dunks that could be predicted based on the layout without cad. Thanks
  11. About how I feel reading people argue over COMPUTER ANIMATED weather 20 days out.. I never share or post because idk anything about meteorology but I saw a topic I KNOW.. sorry for ruining your dusting event following. Enjoy
  12. It definitely does!! Now, some of my subs with older trucks that haven't been properly "de-salted"... trashed!!
  13. I try to off load all trucks after 5 years of service for many reasons but I will say 12 cans of under coat, wd 40 and a pressure washer go along way. My guys hate me after working countless straight hours and then pressure washing and oiling plows speaders etc but there is no money in snow removal if your constantly repairing stuff. I don't plow for the county or state, my snow and ice management services are scattered through Howard and carroll county, all private businesses and hoa's.
  14. Sorry but I have to laugh, people complaining about salt on their cars but they love snow?? Just seems like they go hand and hand.. if you pressure wash your car, frame, engine etc. you're good to go. Not that big of deal, if you're upset because you feel your local govt is wasting money thank insurance companies.
  15. Not even trying to sell it.. don't even want to use it, but I'm not going to turn down a state required dollar bill either
  16. It's really a waste of money 80% of the time. If the rates are good at the onset roads cave fast and in my opinion the snow then acts like an insulator and flash freezes underneath causing more of an issue. It's a gimmick
  17. It's big time in Maine, I do know that. Our sales rep is there.
  18. Boom/bust sounds like march.. my wife says "this is when you walk away from the table". She's right as far as it goes to asphalt accumulations. You might get 10" worth of snow on asphalt that compacts to 3" over the duration
  19. Gotcha, so as realistic of an estimate a model can get?
  20. Its sad that bobchill is reluctant to post because of all the negativity on this forum now. Him and psu are hands down the best imo. I'm far from a weather guru, i actually find it "weird" that everyone loves snow. To me, it's just business! You guys invest so much time into this and then argue with eachother and/or brag about how much snow your lawn got.. its crazy! I operate with 40+ pieces of equipment and monitor this site from the sidelines because i have nothing to offer. While many of you are asleep during the storm, you've so anxiously anticipated and insulted some people for, I'm actually watching it unfold! Get your shit together, have any of you ever had to gamble on a "march sun angle storm" and lose thousands?? No. Get along, quit the bs and grow up. The snow or lack thereof doesn't put food in your family's mouth or take it out. If you have nothing positive to offer just read and retain. If you have negative thoughts please call 867-5309.
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