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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. The based prep and gravel under the asphalt are what makes the job good and last a long time. If there isn't good or enough gravel under the area to be paved, strip out at least 6-8 inches of material and replace it with graded gravel and compact it. Most parking lots are designed and constructed with 12 inches of gravel, 12 inches is what I would consider the gold standard for a regular driveway.
  2. overcast and sprinkles here in western mass, 69F
  3. they know how to make a profit - propane equipment is less costly that fuel oil equipment in new construction
  4. I used Solar Store of Greenfield for my install back in 2016, very happy with them. I opted to replace the roof the same time the panels were put on, and had the same company do both, that way if the roof leaked I would know who was responsible. You want to own the panels (vs. leasing them).
  5. closing in on 3.25 storm total lawn mowing will be resuming shortly
  6. I'll echo backedge. When I had a cat, I had a garden and no chipmunks. Now I have no cat and no garden.
  7. currently open with 45 F and 51 mph ESE wind at summit
  8. I took advantage of the low dews and mowed. First time in weeks, last time in weeks ?
  9. yep, mine were overflowing too. to-do this weekend
  10. 1.5 here. irrigation system is off
  11. The bedrock is sandstone, and the overburden is sand and gravel. What do you know about your well? do you know the depth to water, total depth, screen interval or open borehole length ?
  12. 1.2 between yesterday and last night, irrigation system is off ... for now
  13. So far this summer, so good. Can't remember the last I needed to turn on the AC and close the windows.
  14. trace rain here. irrigation system back on
  15. we took the entire company (I was painting houses for college $$) to fenway to see a game, paid for tickets and the T (from newton) for everyone, was less than $150 in total for ~20 people.
  16. It was 4 bucks for bleacher seats back in the late 80s.
  17. Heavy shower just went by, main line still to the west. Left the car out of the garage, hoping the rain washes off the salt from monday.
  18. Windy driving home on the interstate this evening.
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