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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. 25 years ago I was commuting from Needham to Woburn and hated it so much I moved to western Mass.
  2. I’d rather gouge my eyeballs than make that commute, that’s nuts
  3. Now it looks as though they are here to stay Oh, I believe in yesterday
  4. OT, moved here in Sept. '06 and the following October we had like 20+ inches of rain, it was insane. Had a partly finished and carpeted basement that flooded early in the month (I had to pull the carpet and demo, 60s plywood paneling on nailing strips, it wasn't a big loss). I installed a sump pump in one corner, next big rainstorm that month came and the one sump did nothing other than collect and discharge water I swept to it (that's the draw-down curve @ice1972is referring to, also called radius of influence). I ended up cutting a trench 20 inches deep around the interior perimeter of the basement, lining with filter fabric, installing a perforated 2" PVC pipe, backfilling with crushed stone in the trench, compact, and replaced the concrete that had been cut for the trench. The pipes were pitched to the sump. That seemed to solve the problem.
  5. This could be the hottest year on record. I’m glad I’m not tending to a golf course.
  6. impressive posting rates ITT, averaging 25 posts per hour over the last 12 at this rate, 4,000 posts will be ITT before the snow starts flying in New England
  7. this is my plan as of right now. head up I-91 to White River Junction, and then based on traffic, decide to head to Burlington via I-89 or continue up I-91 to Newport.
  8. seems like this "pattern" has been more persistent than 3 weeks now
  9. more storage space would be cool a dark theme would be cool, too
  10. nice out. going to walk around the yard and pick up the twigs that fell during last weekend's rainstorm.
  11. gonna head to Vermont and cross my fingers that the 30% chance for sunshine happens
  12. I started using a helmet 4 years ago, when my oldest started skiing. When I started skiing in 1990, the only helmets you saw were on the ski racers. Now, everyone is wearing them.
  13. re-gift them, no need for last minute holiday shopping
  14. good time to install the snow stakes along the driveways and sidewalks
  15. Light snow in Methuen, dusting on the ground
  16. No, but I have built up a sizable credit by improving generation (targeted tree removal) and reducing consumption(eliminated the furnace and switched to LED lighting). When I finally get an electric car I'll have a couple of years worth of free fuel credit from the power company.
  17. You want to own the panels, that's the best deal. When you lease them, some one else is also making some of the money from the electricity the panels generate. this is an issue. if you are considering solar, electrify everything first so you can prove to Eversource that you actually need that many panels. When my panels were installed, one of the requirements to get the utility company connection permit was the system had to be size limited to generate no more power than the house had been using on an yearly average basis.
  18. put solar panels up 7+ years ago when my house needed a new roof, haven't paid an electric bill since, and have a 4-figure credit for excess unused power I generated and sold back to the electric company will get an electric car when the technology, availability of different models and prices improve. right now, most electric cars on the market are higher-end vehicles, I prefer smaller, lower cost, high production run vehicles since they are less expensive to insure, drive and repair
  19. New England hasn't really been "negatively" affected by AGW all that much yet, but that doesn't hold equally everywhere. Solar panels belong on buildings, not in the woods or fields. The notion that panels are junk in 20 years just isn't true, they are just de-rated a bit, just like any other technology that has been operating for 20 years. Electric cars are heavy because battery and charging technology are still at the beginning stages of serious tech development. We have a long way to go, but long journeys begin with first steps. There are unrealistic expectations on either side. Patience and understanding will be needed. I don't think Tip is an "alarmist", he's merely point to the data, which is substantial, and (IMO) conclusive.
  20. Big, big difference between cooking food and making snow for skiing.
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