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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. Getting loud in downtown Springfield right now.
  2. Been having my own battle with yellow jackets who built a next in the ground next to my front walk. Have been hitting it repeatedly with foaming bee spray, at the nest's peak I counted 1-2 departures and arrival per second. I think I got the remainder of it last night, I was able to put the can of foaming spray at the hive opening and force it down into the hole:
  3. Mowed last night: A little faded from the first mow of the season.
  4. I had an above ground pool when I lived in Hatfield, it was in the sun for 10 hours a day. It would routinely get into the high 80s when the weather got hot, which made night time swimming really pleasant. By early September the best you could manage was low to mid 70s.
  5. Sea level rise means the hill in Tolland is not as high as it once was. Good news is that the lower elevation will torch easier.
  6. Nor have I. Looks like my house may make it into July before having to install.
  7. Another mow in the books last night. Faded a bit from the first mow glory, but still looking nice.
  8. You can come get them from my yard, dozens of them here digging holes everywhere. Send me a PM if interested.
  9. This rainbow just appeared outside of my office window in Springfield. Note the end does not intersect with MGM.
  10. Third mow done, at least on this section, which is the fastest growing.
  11. Took 3 hours for the first mow, needed to bag it since it was so high. If I don't bag it and just bang it out, it takes about 80-90 minutes.
  12. First mow done yesterday, about 10 days later than normal due to all the rain. Some of the lawn was almost 8 inches high. Heavy moss is almost always due to insufficient direct sunshine. If the mossy areas are heavily shaded, thinning and/or removing trees will help.
  13. Once you treat for crabgrass you shouldn’t disturb the ground, detaching will definitely reduce the effectiveness of the anti crab grass application.
  14. I was evac'ed off Magic's Red chair a few years ago. Was one of the last chairs unloaded, about 80 minutes on the chair.
  15. Loveland is usually the first to open, followed by A-Basin, in mid to late October. If nothing is open, you might try using a car as the "lift". When I lived in Steamboat, before the mountain opened for the season, we used to drive up one of the local mountain passes as far as we could, and ski down to where the snow ran out, leaving one person to drive for each run. Might be able to do that on Rt. 6 (Loveland Pass road) between Loveland and A-Basin, if both ski areas aren't open.
  16. Snizzle here in downtown Springfield. Roads are wet, about 2 inches on grassy surfaces. Looks to be just about over.
  17. Heaviest of the day. Not even heavy enough to accumulate.
  18. A little under 2 inches OTG here in downtown Springfield, where we have been between the two bands all day long.
  19. Is it legal to drive up there? The view from the solar farm might be good, too.
  20. Here is a link to a map which shows "dark sky" locations, which combined with a topo map, should be useful for finding good viewing spots: http://www.jshine.net/astronomy/dark_sky/ And another: http://darksitefinder.com/maps/unitedstates-15color.html Berkshire East Ski area is probably in one of the darker parts of Massachusetts, and it has a large treeless parking lot that has a good view to the north. In southern Vermont, check out the Green Mountain National Forest off Route 9 west of Brattleboro in the vicinity of the Deerfield River. About 5 or 6 miles west of Wilmington, turn right onto Forest Road 71, follow for 12-13 miles and turn right onto Somerset Road, and follow for a few more miles until you get to the Somerset Reservoir. There is plenty of parking and a great view to the north across the reservoir. Or, follow Forest Road 71 north and look of clearings. It's mostly wooded, but it promises to be very dark and there are some marshy clearings along it's length, including one at it's northerly terminus with Kelly Stand Road. Primitive camping is permitted along Forest Road 71.
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