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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. The narrow result is awful for the country, it would have been better for it to have been a blow out one way or the other. Phin is right, this election has done nothing to close the divide. If anything, it will make it worse.
  2. This year holidays are immediate family only. No friends, no distant relatives attending. T-day is usually at my in-laws, not this year.
  3. Snow's over, blue sky showing through the clouds. Up to 33F.
  4. 32F here in death valley, still snowing, but melting at about the same rate. No accumulations on paved surfaces in Springfield.
  5. Flakes mixing in here now in lower death valley 35F.
  6. Mushroom mania during leaf clean-up this weekend.
  7. The CT River has come up about 1.5 feet from the low last month, flows are back above average levels for this time of year. Rain up in NH and VT has really helped.
  8. Was still glowing last night on way home from work. looks like a little smoke and some steam at this point? https://www.wwlp.com/weather/webcams/
  9. Sun is out 45F. 2.6" here to add to the 1.5" plus from the last event. Time to unpin the droughtstein thread.
  10. little over 1.5 IMBY, rain has tapered to a mist.
  11. It was massive brush piles on top of the slope that were burning last night. We've had several substantial storms over the summer and there was much brush and limbs that had to be removed from communities, I'm guessing the brush was waiting to be processed and then composted. It looked like a grass fire may have started at a distant part of the landfill, spread to the brush operation, and then just took off.
  12. ^ not as much smoke this morning on my way to work, the aerial truck is still there.
  13. It was roaring on my way home from work at 6:00 PM. The entire row of brush, sever hundred feet long, was fully involved in flames 30-40 feet high. There was one aerial truck spraying water that I could see while driving south past the power plant on Rt. 5, but it wasn't having any effect at all. Winds were blowing and the brush was right at the top of a steep wide-open slope. It honestly looked like they were gong to need to let it burn out itself, it was that impressive.
  14. There was an inch in the cheap plastic garden gauge this morning when I went to work, and it's been raining most of the day.
  15. Yeah, RT. 141 over the mountain was closed for 2 days after the event, and then for several days the following spring for additional clean-up work.
  16. Trees and branches down across town. Several roads blocked, had to reverse direction 3 time coming home due to frees blocking road.
  17. Wind just picked up here in Springfield, trash and leaves blowing around outside my office window..
  18. West Side, the boat ramp at the treatment plant.
  19. Send those flows down the Connecticut River, down here it's as low as I've ever seen it. People are driving their vehicles out on the exposed riverbed across from the casino. There are rocks and sand bars in the river I haven't seen before, I won't go out in the boat with it this low.
  20. 1.1 inches in the cheap plastic garden gauge is morning. Irrigation system is finally off for the season.
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