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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. Solid C+, maybe B- Good snow retention, good stretch of cold weather with a couple of legit cold days. Used the snowthrower 4 times and battled the ice in front of the garage door. Still have snow banks on my street.
  2. I picked up some sticks today. Still plenty of snow and ice IMBY.
  3. yeah, today is trash day IMBY and my recycling was scattered widely; had to go retrieve it
  4. That was back in the days of the old killington peak double, you downloaded at the mid station. Cascade faces north and is on the north side of the ridge and doesn’t get the sun like other trails.
  5. looks like heavier rain incoming for MBY. may move the antique Honda out of garage to let the rain wash off the salt
  6. up to 45F IMBY with hazy sun, used the relatively warm driveway and changed the oil in the antique Honda and the Camry
  7. 100 hours above freezing IMBY starting today, that should clear the snow and ice from my solar panels
  8. my garage door faces due north. I have to be diligent about removing snow and ice for the first 15-20 feet in front of the door to avoid the skating rink effect
  9. I can hear it overhead but so far it's not mixing all the way down
  10. looks like the salty cars will get a rinse, at least IMBY
  11. what do you drive ? the wheels from a 97 honda accord aren't too useful to most people, especially if it has the 4 lug nut configuration on the wheels
  12. is that a second line forming to the west, currently over hudson valley ?
  13. I'm hoping for an inversion since I'll be traveling the mass pike Wednesday evening
  14. I had studded snows a long time ago on a front wheel drive Datsun, it was unstoppable as long as there was clearance from snow underneath. It was also a bit scary on dry pavement at highway speeds. I've taken may ski trips up I91 to VT in my front wheel drive cars and every time i've gone and it's been snowy i've seen 4x4s and SUVs usually with southern flatlander tags off the road. I think people don't get that 4 wheel drive doesn't mean 8 wheel brakes.
  15. not down here in flatland country, but if i lived where you do, i probably would
  16. was wet and heavy and enough that I pulled the snowblower out of the shed to clean up
  17. snowblower might stay in the shed this year
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