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About Brewbeer

  • Birthday 01/01/1968

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Longmeadow, MA
  • Interests
    Drinking beer, brewing beer, skiing, whitewater canoeing, sailing, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, shoveling snow, raising children, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, home repair & improvement, science, engineering, math, technology, human social progress & justice, whirled peas.

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  1. what do you drive ? the wheels from a 97 honda accord aren't too useful to most people, especially if it has the 4 lug nut configuration on the wheels
  2. is that a second line forming to the west, currently over hudson valley ?
  3. I'm hoping for an inversion since I'll be traveling the mass pike Wednesday evening
  4. I had studded snows a long time ago on a front wheel drive Datsun, it was unstoppable as long as there was clearance from snow underneath. It was also a bit scary on dry pavement at highway speeds. I've taken may ski trips up I91 to VT in my front wheel drive cars and every time i've gone and it's been snowy i've seen 4x4s and SUVs usually with southern flatlander tags off the road. I think people don't get that 4 wheel drive doesn't mean 8 wheel brakes.
  5. not down here in flatland country, but if i lived where you do, i probably would
  6. was wet and heavy and enough that I pulled the snowblower out of the shed to clean up
  7. snowblower might stay in the shed this year
  8. want to drop the winterizer fert but gonna need some rain first, what we received here last night wasn't enough irrigation stays on for the time being. can't remember the last time it was needed in October
  9. drove much of Massachusetts today and the colors were stunning. Springfield to Bridgewater to Boston to Burlington and back. Peaking along I-90 and I-495 today down to 39F here
  10. I saw them around this time too and they were amazing. It was in the middle of the night on a car trip to Maine on I-95 in Rowley MA. I was in the passenger seat and it was just as you described, shimmering moving curtains of light. haven't seen them since, I have a city to my north and the light pollution is really bad here, need to travel at least 30 minutes to get to really dark sky
  11. that's an option, but you might want to park the truck more than 500 feet from the closest house
  12. underground automatic irrigation system here, FTW I usually have it turned off and winterized by now, not this year. If we get some decent rain this weekend, I may finally put it to bed for the winter.
  13. about a quarter inch here, irrigation system stays turned on for now
  14. haven't been to Florida since I was a teenager 40 years ago with any luck, I'll never go again
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