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Everything posted by cut

  1. I mean the one from last week - Synabong or something like that. I don't have the active volcano page open.
  2. I thought it was stronger than that. How about the one in the Phillippines?
  3. The one at 2:38 - that's the type. I think that's in the Philippines. Singigong or something like that.
  4. And you need the ash cloud to get up above 40,000 to really do anything as well so eruptions like that unpronounceable one in Iceland don't do anything, nor the new one in Africa that started today (I forget the name but the lave can flow as fast as 40 MPH).
  5. Now wait. LAST YEAR. I follow the volcano thing and there are by far more volcanoes going currently - Sufrierre, Etna, Several in Central America and Africa. The ones near the equator are the ones that will effect climate/weather.
  6. Im golfing on the Cape - only supposed to get showers and less than a quarter inch. I am hoping for dry slot there.
  7. I've got 36 holes of golf to play on Cape on Friday and Saturday - dry slot please.
  8. I felt it - I was getting home from the store and it was like a hair dryer turned on - dry and warm air rushing in.
  9. Totally agree - a challenging personal period that beckons for some nice weather. If get into a string of backdoor hell I'm going out my 5th floor window.
  10. Sticking to all surfaces here in Bridgeport on the water.
  11. Viz under 1/4 mile in Bridgeport. I would think nearly or just over 1 inch per hour. Looks like 5 + should be a lock here. Maybe even 7.
  12. Viz down to probably 1/4 mile in Bridgeport. I think we are right into nearly 1 inch per hour.
  13. Snow came in to Bridgeport like a switch.
  14. I've been following your thoughts on this and it does seem their is a high(er) ceiling on this thing.
  15. Read Tips post near bottom of previous page.
  16. Totally. I think this is the most invested I can recall him being!!!!
  17. Found our snow: Of course it's on the other side of the planet
  18. Radar looking like there maybe another one for the people that missed that one?
  19. Fair bit of tree damage with many medium sized ones down. Limbs all over the place. Trumbull.
  20. Yup - I was just going to post suns coming out in Trumbull.
  21. Good - working at home with family all around. The last thing I need is a protracted power outage.
  22. Better than Nauset? I hate the shuttle/drop off aspect of Coast Guard.
  23. Yah it seems like a long shot. Probably have to put down at least a foot and a half and have it stay to get it done. Looks unlikely in the next 2 weeks.
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