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Everything posted by cut

  1. Dang - that is a nice score card. I'll have to check out that course. If you are ever down near New Haven check out The Vue (formerly Laurel View - which got obliterated by a tornado 4 or 5 years ago). I'm in Trumbull and we have a beauty in Nashua Knolls as well.
  2. That looks like Laurel View in Hamden - hidden gem
  3. Your Hadley Cell dissertation from (two years ago??) is something that I still ponder. It makes total sense as we warm (and expand) that this would be a thing. I remember your posts about faster jets/winds as well. Good stuff.
  4. If I squint I can see some slush on the tall grass clumps in my yard
  5. School on here in Trumbull- white rain - wet ground.
  6. NOAA just tweeted viz sat - looks pretty good already!!!!
  7. I remember a March storm when I was in high school at Barlow in Redding, I lived in Easton - I was probably the most south student as I lived on Easton - Fairfield town town by Smith Richardson golf course. I woke up to white rain and a slush coating on grass and nothing on roads so I got ready for school. Drove up Sport Hill Rd. (rt. 59) and quickly there was more than just a slushy coating, but still the roads were fine so I kept going. Get to the Easton/Redding line by the Connecticut Country club and things went sideways. Inches of snow and very sketchy roads. I drove the Barlow because I had never listened for closures due to my house being just white rain. I almost got stuck at Barlow and school had been canceled. Went back home and still white rain. It was bizarre and this storm smacks of that.
  8. 10 minute misconduct - match penalty - hit the dressing room!!!!
  9. Could be a longitude deal - here in Trumbull maybe we do well while people even in NE corner get slop? I've seen that - albeit rarely. I remember a storm when I was in Lowell where it rained for the eastern third of Mass and I came home and we had like a foot here in CT.
  10. I'm not getting on you for starting the thread!!! Im just talking about the general frustration for us winter weather enthusiasts - I enjoy reading your about your thoughts more than most on this site. No reproach coming from me.
  11. Storm Porn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSRK84iVq2M Tahoe!!!!
  12. I all started with Lucy yanking the football a few days before Christmas - all shite since. In fact I've been basically checked out since that kick in the jumblees.
  13. Now wait a second - now I need to close my blinds!!!
  14. Wish I were in Tahoe!!! Epicosity
  15. I’ve totally checked out this winter after X Mas fail. All about my New York Rangers and Giants - Red Sox had about as a winter as their home town so I’m checking out from them as well.
  16. Might want to change the name of the thread - chuck the bigger snow plow for … hmmm …. Sand bags? …. Row boat? …. Bilge pump? Just a thought. So damn frustrating.
  17. I just did it, I said yesterday that I wouldn't - I talked about this potential with a fellow skier. Damn I hope I didn't jinx it.
  18. And I hope we get feet of snow too!!!
  19. Just don’t get out over your skis - your obviously a snow enthusiast like myself. Just take in the experience of the meteorological minds here more. Sure post - that’s why we all are here - but don’t let your snow goggles color the truth.
  20. Geoff Fox on WTNH New Haven nailed that from beyond his five day if I remember correctly. Never in specifics but in a 'watch out for next week' kinda way.
  21. All good - I totally got it. I thought the same thing when I saw that GFS post like 200 miles (or 500??) wide right.
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