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Everything posted by cut

  1. Well, came to Okemo and Bromley this weekend and I have to say was pleasantly surprised. Actually hit some glades - though cover to thin to spend the day in the trees as the roots and stumps were ski grabbing. See snowmobile trails active. That being said there was brown tundra all the way into VT - well into VT in fact so it seems snow cover here is altitude based. Good snow here in Landgrove - probably 8 to 10 inches of powder (granted this time of year should be double or triple that) and real winter feel. Come ski!!! It's good!!!!
  2. Way better - almost neutral there.
  3. Well, I bought a new 26" Ariens - kiss this one goodbye. And I broke my other superstition rule - I talked about the GFS 12Z output and showed it to the sales guy!!! Sorry everyone!!!!
  4. Pond hockey is one of the most fun things to do in winter - besides ski or snowmobile. Nothing like a group of 10 or 12 or more, hot bevies - cold bevies, and a fire.
  5. Was at Tweed yesterday to pick up family from Orlando - their plane did the touch and go but came back in 10 minutes later. It was 4:30 so the winds were just starting. Wife said half the plane was puking.
  6. Happy New Year - Lets get a real winter stretch going for the first time in years. Going skiing in 10 days and would love to hit the trees.
  7. Same - the last thunder was literally 20 seconds and bass as hell
  8. Bright lightening here and loud thunder
  9. Im right in the path of that near Bridgeport. Could be a fun ringing of the bell.
  10. He's doing at again!!! What a click bait jack off.
  11. Ryan Hall is actually a very good Youtube Met. POW is pretty good as well - that Direct Weather is pure click bait.
  12. Ha - on SOOO MANY occasions the past few years I have taken information from here about a storm threat out into the public and the second I do the threat vaporizes. I try to seal my lips until at least the main stream media start their nonsense so as to not jinx the storm threat.
  13. Yes - well over 30 though it was windy. Officially 32 in Bridgeport I believe so I'll go with that. Couldn't get out for 2 days.
  14. Best lobster roll outside of Sesuet Harbor!! (spelling??)
  15. My parents have about an inch in Orleans and light snow. currently.
  16. My parents in Orleans - I'll check in with them later to see if any bay effect snows happened over night.
  17. The visibility looking across Pequanic valley is actually coming down!!! This is a great surprise!!! Hoping for the first white Christmas in a looooooong time.
  18. This shows a lot of what is going on: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/sector_band.php?sat=G16&sector=ne&band=GEOCOLOR&length=12
  19. LOL - Have there been any here in T Town?? Maybe a snow walk along Pequanic later - it's been years since I took a snow walk down there.
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