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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. The CMC joins ICON in completely erasing this storm from existence
  2. Suddenly the subtitle of this thread is very ironic
  3. The Euro trended quite nicely tonight
  4. Please elaborate before I have a stroke... Sweet for who?
  5. GFS just trended somewhat farther north again. Come on man, if it's gonna cave then at last let it be soon/gradual instead of abrupt.
  6. Curious to see what tonight's runs have to say about the ~160 hour threat. At a minimum, the ICON plays ball.
  7. Hahaha. I can't tell if runs like this are why I hate this hobby or adore it.
  8. Something is definitely in the process of getting sniffed out in the 240s
  9. We're getting dangerously close to a viable solution...
  10. That's a freakishly beautiful Thanksgiving storm on the GFS
  11. The 12z Euro seems to be leading the way with the Monday/Tuesday threat.
  12. Between the Euro/GFS, it appears that the region's next noteworthy shot at wintry weather is about 200 hours out. Will be fun to see how that evolves.
  13. Call me a wimp, but I really can't wait until daylight savings time. I'm staying up way too late to observe the CMC/GEFS...
  14. It is unexpectedly silent in here considering the casually optimistic eastern trends in some of the models this last run...
  15. Full sending this one. We'll see what happens, it's not too late!
  16. It seems to me -in my infinite wisdom- that there is a sort of new consensus being reached by the models. The CMC and GFS appear to have quite similar solutions, correct?
  17. That is quite the coincidence! Seeing that I know quite little about the weather, I strive to maintain my standing through other means. No worries though, I learned something new today.
  18. It's all good lol; this was actually an incredibly amusing experience, it's just that I already have a reputation as one of the less-serious members on here so the last thing I need is everyone to think I'm a total fool
  19. Oh. My. Lord. I swear that is a coincidence. Please, you have to believe me. My family is Hungarian, and my mother's childhood nickname for me was malacka, which translates into piggy, or piglet. I swear this is a coincidence.
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