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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Guys I know my voice carries zero weight whatsoever, but I feel the need to say that I just have a feeling this will turn out better for Eastern LOT than anticipated. Just a gut feeling. Definitely not my dying hopes talking, no not at all.
  2. Real or not, at least the weather looks interesting.
  3. Rolling out the 18z suite. The reckoning is at hand my boys.
  4. The euro is basically just drowning Chicagoland in freezing rain at this point. It makes my mind smolder to think that a couple degrees temperature change is all that separates us from a foot of snow.
  5. That's what I'm hoping for... How likely is it that temps are just a few degrees colder and everything falls here as snow?
  6. I hate to break it to you all, but WTC is giving me 6-10 inches of snow as of now so... You're wrong.
  7. Please don't bake me... Genuine question. How much of an impact can the placement of the high pressure to the northwest have on this system?
  8. When we're shoveling through the feet of snow on Sunday morning, remember this moment.
  9. I am calling on my nationalist German pride. The ICON will prevail. Death to the doubters.
  10. Beats trying to guess the next positive pattern change over and over again
  11. Sorry, I don't think Pivotal Weather has that data
  12. Surprised no one has beat me to making this comment, but the Euro jumped way back south to drop snow over LOT.
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, the northern consensus shown on the GEFS for a bit now just ate shit. More of a pronounced second lobe?
  14. Quite interestingly the GFS seems to be slightly farther south again, at least so far.
  15. Alek is like the physical embodiment of those quiet, nagging doubts. I used to disapprove, but I've come to realize that it's refreshing to be forced to face your fears.
  16. My only fear (something which has been addressed already) is that things are lining up too well early on...
  17. It seems that a multiple-piece (snow)storm is favored by a lot of models, which would be interesting to see.
  18. I'm surprised at the lack of commentary on the 180-ish system shown on several models for a bit now
  19. Rain or snow, there seems to be some consensus for a system around the 200 hour mark... Can't wait till this one gets nuked into near orbit in a couple days lol
  20. The legend of the Snowstorm Gods states that there is a strict equilibrium to be held regarding snowfall. We here in Chicagoland watch as every event whiffs by us with only one eye; the other eye is trained on the extended, for there we shall find what we can only refer to as... The equalizer.
  21. Interesting to see the combo of snow and wind out there. I think it's an appreciable reminder of what season we're now in, and that it's not all over yet. Emphasis on 'yet'.
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