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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Love the cracked window visible at 0:25. Scary stuff, but definitely one of the highest quality tornado videos I've ever watched. Something about this one kind of just makes the scale and concept of tornadoes that much more tangible to me. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Kind of out of touch with the specifics, when do we expect any potential cells to pass through northern Illinois?
  3. Was following it back when it was a lil baby
  4. How is the storm around Wilmington doing?
  5. I'm trying to upload pictures of the 1st cell but I can't
  6. Sounds good. I appreciate the information!
  7. Guys someone please answer, I woke up quite late to plan this super well. If you were going to set up ahead of these storms, would you drive north or south of Aurora?
  8. Might have to take a drive for the first time if something promising occurs in the near vicinity.
  9. Went out for a run today today from Wheaton towards Chicago; on the way out we passed a flooded parking lot with a single car in it, whose owner was frantically trying to figure out what to do, given that his car was standing in about a yard of water. on the way back, only the car remained, but by then only the top eight inches or so of it were visible. it was a smaller sedan but still, I've never seen anything like it. Must suck for the owner.
  10. Apologies if it's been said somewhere already and I missed it, but how are temperatures looking for the latter half of the month?
  11. I wonder exactly what percentage of the people who have lost family members to this illness hold the opinion that 0.02% isn't a high enough death toll to warrant our current preventative measures.
  12. Right. That fatality rate would be a lot higher if we can't care for everyone that we need to.
  13. Damn. That's actually the opposite of my assumption. Thanks for the info, kind negates my point lol
  14. As a distance runner, I'm constantly out training in nearby parks and forest preserves. I went out today to check out a new area and I have to admit I was genuinely surprised by the number of people there. Like the lot was at least two-thirds full... an uninformed individual would never suspect that there's a pandemic sweeping through the country from that scene. On the flip side, I imagine that the risk of contagion at preserves is somewhat lower, simply because outside of the parking lot, you're much more spread out. If hobby-jogging or family walks serve as an outlet to prevent other, more rash behaviors, then I suppose it's a good thing. Side note: I wonder what effect wind speeds have on an airborne disease's ability to spread. It would be interesting to see what sneezes/exhalations look like on a windy day like today versus, say, in a supermarket.
  15. This stuff is sticking to branches like super glue. Wow.
  16. If protesters in Hong Kong can clear routes for first-responders, then it can be done here too. Christ.
  17. I just got turned away from my dentist appointment for having a fever of 99.8°F. Got home and measured myself. I don't have a fever.
  18. This lady yesterday who claimed to be an EMT argued to me her firm belief that COVID 19 had already spread throughout the entire world long before the supposed patient zero was infected. Her evidence included notions such as "lots of people getting sick with bad colds this winter", including herself after she went on vacation. She tried telling me that all a bad case of COVID-19 really is, is a bad case of pneumonia, but when I asked her what her point was, she sort of just looked at me in disbelief and said it was nice talking to me. I guess she didn't realize that what she was saying argued against her point. I know it sounds a little contrived, but I swear on my life that's exactly how the conversation went. I'm not trying to be belittling in the slightest, but there's a difference between driving ambulances and studying diseases.
  19. I know nobody gives a damn about what my accuweather app says, but just in case somebody does, Aurora's up to 8-12 now. Maybe this is some crossover episode between two universes and in the other one this is a major blizzard. Dunno anymore.
  20. I'm just hoping that this whole thing shows up tomorrow fifty miles north of what models predict because there's definitely not gonna be any northerly correction at this point lol
  21. AccuWeather just released a notification about this storm "possibly being the largest of the season", with 6"-10" amounts. Bit late to the party I'm afraid
  22. Dude yeah. Like, it's one thing that it's trending south of Chicago and all, but the fact that the heavy snow was once modeled in Wisconsin is mind blowing.
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