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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Malarkey at least sounds sort of cute you know? I find it endearing in a way
  2. The term "shindig" makes me want to go out into the garage and chug a can of paint thinner.
  3. The sad truth that nobody can deny is that in this instance, America's rampant capitalism and bureaucracy have failed its people. When it really counted, our country chose to pander to the whims of the ultra rich companies and individuals that we oh so love, and you and I paid the price. What's truly the most infuriating, though, is that so many people choose to stand in ill-perceived class solidarity with the top 1%.
  4. Dude. You're comparing an extremely fishy story of her being in a hair salon with like one or two other people, to public officials going out and telling everyone that the virus isn't serious. What's the comparison you're trying to make?
  5. He literally said it contributes. Possibly the very first thing that was concluded about COVID was that if you're obese, or whatever else, then you're likely going to have a harder time with the virus. But what you are suggesting -that Trump should talk about dietary improvements, etc.- is asinine as all hell. What's Trump going to do? Put a link to Weight Watchers in a tweet? How on Earth can losing weight, if you are a chronically obese individual, be compared to looping a piece of fabric around your ears when you're in public? If every single overweight person in America, hypothetically, were to start hardcore dieting today, it would likely be at least a year before the majority of them start to approach safe weights. Compare that, to, wearing a mask. One is an instantaneous solution, that one can do TODAY. the other is something that you can achieve over the course of several months, or likely even years, by which time hopefully this disease will no longer be so relevant. Furthermore, being obese affects you and only you. Wearing a mask, and practicing social distancing prevents you from giving the disease to others, regardless of how badly it affects you. THAT's what's important.
  6. You're right, it probably is. Because, whether you're willing to admit it or not, one side of the room is right, and one side is wrong.
  7. Saying that the left politicized... What? Good health practices? Give me a break. The right immediately picked up the role of victim in what could have been a rare unifying moment in this country.
  8. It's like they want to maximize their potential to look like morons.
  9. Every time I hear someone blame "leftists" for the coronavirus, I want to stick a fork into the electrical outlet in my garage. Your ability to ignore reality in order to play the blame game with us is unreal.
  10. I know that the Covid thread may just seem like a bunch of childish bickering to those not directly involved in it, but for almost its entire existence, it has been a great and reliable source of information for me. Posters like Hoosier have done a fantastic job of continuously bringing up new Covid-related content day after day. I'm aware that this is American WEATHER forums, and I'm very thankful that space has been made for us here to discussing the Rona, but at the same time, I find it childish that people are actually disheartened by the fact that the Covid thread is always the hot news. Like Chicago Storm said, nobody's forcing anyone to go in there and read it. Also, it's not like we'd be talking about weather were it not for that thread; AFAIK, very little in the way of discussion-worthy weather has occurred recently. Edit: Let me also say this: I believe myself to be on the younger and more hot-headed end of the age/maturity spectrum in this forum. That said, I have never had a political discussion with someone that was so heated that I couldn't value their input on other subjects. If you go into the Covid thread on one of its off days, see someone post something political, and are unable to look beyond whatever differences you and them may have, then chances are, you're the problem. Being able to rationalize the fact that everyone has different social and political beliefs (to an extent) is a life skill, not something to shy away from.
  11. The issue is that at this point we're stuck in this state of acceptance, so unless things get really bad again (maybe not even then) we're not going to be able to convince people to take Covid seriously enough. If things are going to change, in my opinion it's probably going to have to happen at the federal level... Maybe next January at the earliest.
  12. Tonight was the first night where I went outside, and was genuinely surprised by how winter-like the cold felt. Something about the echo-ey road sounds, the frost on the hood of my car... It was just different tonight.
  13. Exactly. If we look at Trump's previous political tactics, he's always tried to circumnavigate the topic of coronavirus. So for him to suddenly fake having it would be very odd. The fact that we're even a little bit skeptical of this situation is, in and of itself, a very, very sad thing.
  14. The fact still remains though, that the "RIP" comment was, at a minimum, at least on topic; regardless of whether it was respectful, it was a commentary on the fact that Trump taking dexamethasone isn't a very good sign. All your comment was aiming to do was try to piss people off.
  15. I'm sure this will get removed, but hopefully you'll see it before that happens. Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with Covid, and was purely trash talk against Biden, who has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Not ONE post in here is "ripping" Trump; we are stating facts about his response to this epidemic. Don't play this bullshit victim card.
  16. And that's exactly why we shouldn't sugarcoat the possibility of him not making it out of this alive. I'm not hoping for him to die, but I'm sure as hell not going to sit around and pretend that it wouldn't be ironic as all hell. Trump has shown that he doesn't care about those that have died from Covid every time he downplays the virus and mocks science. Until he contracted it himself, he called it the "China Virus" in order to deflect blame, but the second he got it himself, it became "the plague" or the "Coronavirus", even. Just because he's the president doesn't mean this isn't a healthy dose of karma; the issue is, he still hasn't learned.
  17. Here's a higher resolution photo. He's not even writing his signature, just his last name.
  18. https://www.dailywire.com/news/wh-releases-photos-of-trump-grinding-away-at-work-while-in-hospital Dude. This is the pinnacle of WTF. You can clearly tell that the two photos in the tweet were taken ten minutes apart, in different rooms, with Trump being dressed differently in each. In the screenshot, you can LITERALLY SEE that he's using the world's fattest Sharpie to sign a BLANK PIECE OF PAPER. The fact that they're endangering the life of a photographer for this shit is pathetic.
  19. This is playing out like last winter's trend of "weaker and south". It shouldn't be so predictable, but it is anyway. Thanks for the info lol
  20. I just woke up, what's going on?
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