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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. The storm is just too powerful for the models to handle
  2. I mean if you're actually a well trained distance runner then by all means, I retract my statement. I thought you exercised either just a little. My bad
  3. That is frighteningly low. As a semi-elite athlete (I actually am pretty fast) I have yet to meet one runner with a heart rate below 40. Mine is actually around 60, it just doesn't increase as much as other people's heart rates under stress.
  4. I appreciate that truthfully, if you're optimistic every time, then eventually you have to get it right lol
  5. For posterity, so we may all admire the first true clown map of the year.
  6. The GFS is doing the same wonky stuff that the Euro did. If I may venture a humble guess, I'd say that someone could stand to cash in pretty hard, and by someone I mean probably a large number of us.
  7. There's a couple of people in this thread who are straight up Olympians... All of them participate in the Mental Gymnastics event.
  8. Fr. This is the verbatim start of "meteorological winter"
  9. I, for one, have actually not given up quite yet on this baby moving back west
  10. Surprised that none of the OV posters have mentioned that actually all three big models (GFS, EURO, CMC) have at least something that could end up as a storm for the eastern half of the sub forum.
  11. Since this has turned into health class, might I suggest that for this week's Fun Friday we all bring our yoga mats and relax?* *I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little.
  12. There is really no point in discussing weight loss as a remedy for Covid, because there is simply no chance that people would actually start losing weight for Covid. We might as well suggest that someone build a time machine and exterminate all bats back in 2019. Stebo is right. The types of people who are fat enough to be at greater risk from Covid are definitely not going to be losing that weight fast enough for it to make a difference before the vaccine. Weight loss is a remedy for a lot of much more serious illnesses than Covid. If imminent heart failure isn't gonna make you try and become healthier, then your "1%" chance of dying from Covid certainly won't.
  13. I feel like the exact people who could benefit the most from exercise (both mentally and physically) are exactly those who have much more important day-to-day tasks to worry about. I can't imagine pretty much anyone working in a Walmart, McDonald's, Amazon warehouse, etc. to have any desire to exercise after working 40+ hours a week when they have a family to care for and a house to keep running. Sure, they could certainly get a couple minutes of walking or jogging in there if they absolutely prioritized it, but who in their right mind would want to prioritize exercise after standing around all day and having a billion things to take care of at home too? That's probably another reason why it would be a total shit show if someone were to get up and tell everyone that they need to exercise to improve their chances with Covid; it's definitely gonna rub people the wrong way (especially those for whom it would be very difficult to remain physically active) for the government to get up their and go "haha go for a run lol fatass" when they can't even provide us with masks to keep us from projectile-drooling on each other.
  14. I wonder what 280-lb Susanne at Walmart is gonna say about Fauci's mandated Weight-Watcher's program when she couldn't be fucked to wear a mask.
  15. Looks like the ol' CMC is gonna be the model to nail every system this year then
  16. You go, Alek. I have full confidence that if we just let you take charge of this one, that it'll be roped in for sure.
  17. I actually just realized you're right about TT being slow to load. Idk how I never noticed.
  18. I dunno, it seems pretty obvious what his response means to me lol
  19. For sure. Which is why it's funny when people try to say that urban areas are worse because they're numbers are higher, because as always, it's the percent that counts.
  20. LA county alone has easily over double the population of both Houston and Dallas combined.
  21. That's sort of what I meant, you just wrote it way better. I think it's bogus to compare cali to most other areas simply due to population density. On paper, states with big cities are simply at a huge disadvantage.
  22. This is where population density also plays a roll. Just saying. Please nobody call me fourteen or off my rocker again. My poor heart can't take it.
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