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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Helene put on quite a show over here tonight, I imagine a lot of you got nice views as well
  2. Have to agree that was the best night lightning I think I've ever seen
  3. I'm not sure it's connected to the Web exactly like that. AI chatbots are just "fed" very large segments of Internet, but data that is that recent isn't something that I would expect a chatbot to have ingested yet. Last I saw, there's even a disclaimer that GPT's accuracy drops with recency and that stuff from the last year very likely will not be answered properly or at all. That said, idk if it's much better with old old weather data either simply due to obscurity.
  4. Bout to get JDAMd by some GV cells filling in a few miles west. Can't remember the last good storm despite having a very nice and active year so far. Excited to see if whatever line of storms that forms tomorrow evening around the WI border will be able to keep itself together long enough to reach MBY. Pretty much all CAMs show a similar evolution of the line shitting itself within a county before or after reaching MBY, so it'll be close either way.
  5. Happened to me a few times at the dog park the other day from a similar tiny pop up cell. I like your description, it's very accurate
  6. But for real though if you could throw in just a couple of guaranteed okay snow storms a year this really would be best climo
  7. @sbnwx85 You were right this basically is just winter storm forecasting in the summer
  8. Probably the best lightning of the year so far with these storms rolling past
  9. Would be a nice surprise W after what was a goofy miss on Thursday
  10. Hoping to thread that needle between big storms and zero damage from either hail or wind tonight. As somebody said earlier in the year, the problem with extended active patterns is the second they slow down for even a few days it feels like a month since the last good storm
  11. I just want the dunes to hit 70 something by like the second week of July. We're getting there pretty quick just through consistency; I have no doubt that just a week of 90+ would nearly finish the job
  12. Lots of small hail with this cell heading into the city
  13. That's crazy please keep sending pics
  14. Downstream looks good here at least for some garden variety I hope
  15. Gonna be interesting to see how tomorrow turns out, hoping we get a decent line at some point
  16. I'll send some pictures but pockets of the forest preserve down the road are literally swarming with them. I realized on my dog walk yesterday for the first time how many there were; a certain kind of shrub that ig they like would have literally dozens of them per cubic foot or however one might measure cicada population density. They were all over the ground and for about a mile of trail, they were on virtually every single plant at every height. The next mile or so I couldn't find a single one.
  17. Southern LM is already at almost 60°, just need a good heat wave and we're set
  18. A bit late to the show but last night around 3:30 I got quite the show in Plainfield. Ngl this was pretty close in swag levels to the recent eclipse at like 93% darkness or whatever
  19. Some dog walk pics of a line of storms that rolled through a bit before sunset. Was zooted; walked up a local preserve sled hill and didn't realize how close the storms were getting until the first rain drops started falling out ahead. Just as I started to walk back down the hill, the cell headed straight for me started producing really consistent branching CC lightning; checked radarscope to find a new severe t-storm warning on said cell. Only then did it register that I now needed to run two miles back through the muddy ass forest to my neighborhood with the accompaniment of lightning overhead and rapidly worsening rain. I had barely wrapped my head around the warning when I started hearing tornado sirens. At that point, ofc, the ol' adrenal glands managed to shake off the thc with ease and whoo boy, I don't think my ass has hauled like that since college track. I did slip in the mud one like a fool but other than a muddy pair of pants, I was fine. Sirens lasted for about five minutes; family says they were on in Plainfield, too. The storm never received an official tornado warning, to my knowledge. I don't think I've ever seen the sky be that rich in color.
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