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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Just got really windy and snowy in far SE DuPage.
  2. I'm begging for the band to make it to downtown Naperville but that's reaching
  3. Nice to see the solid blue wave march northward, but like others have said, I wonder if that implies a larger system or a quicker one
  4. Roads are already shit from last night. Tonight's gonna be bad
  5. ^That's the exact path that I hope that LES band takes.
  6. I really wonder how likely it is that I scrape off with more than 5"
  7. Calling it now Aurora is going to steal the LES where there's a will there's a way
  8. For all of you who have been deserving this snow for a while, I hope it delivers and then some.
  9. Maybe it's a tad east, but I really don't see how it's a large enough change to write home about. It's like a fifty mile difference over 100 hours out.
  10. Ukie is still garbo but that's okay it took a while to catch on with this last even too I thought
  11. Speaking of foreign support, the GEM looks a lot better.
  12. Nope. This is the last big one I hope before the cracks start showing, so let's make it an actual big one
  13. I guess based on recent trends, waiting until Monday might not be necessary. If we can do at least halfway okay with the 14-16 snowstorm then this will end up being one hell of a wintry stretch
  14. I'm fine with Ohio getting this one if IL gets the late week storm. After that, I think I've honestly just about had my share. I know, I know, I guess that means I'm not a crazy weenie after all. I love snow but honestly I can only take so much of not being able to wash my car.
  15. I don't wanna get greedy. Honestly I'm growing cautiously optimistic about this next one being another longer-duration fluffstorm. the one late-week is still the wild card, but you're right; go big or go home.
  16. If I can manage 4+ from all three events we're tracking, then I'll be pleased.
  17. You can have it if you'd like. Don't worry though, I was definitely going to wait until at least Monday afternoon or such.
  18. It's kind of an L that both the v16 and GEFS are screwed again. I think part of my perfect storm would be all of the model data actually being relayed on time.
  19. I refuse to punt this storm. Even in a GEM type of solution, you get lucky and end up with a long duration snowfall somehow or something- idk, but I'm not punting.
  20. Hey hey hey guys, at least we have the next storm queuing up already!
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