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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Isn't that image valid right after a front sweeps through? A front that currently every model has?
  2. I know I've been around for merely a small fraction of how long you record keepers have been, but I'm pretty sure a map like this would turn our heads even in the Jan-Feb make up periods we've been having the last few years. But before Christmas? Fantasy or not, it's nice to see.
  3. We really need a new clown emoji reaction
  4. We're gonna do it, just another tick or two south on the GEM and a massive cave on all other models and we're good.
  5. IIRC last year we didn't even have any storms to track before Christmas so personally I'm happy we are least have a system thread open.
  6. Plus, I'm pretty sure we had at least one big early-season Dakotas storm that ended up states south (albeit a rainy mess but still).
  7. All I want is a white Christmas, I'm okay with it if our historic big dawg waits until the new year. Start small.
  8. Gonna be a buttcheek clencher either way, hopefully next week's storm -if it actually occurs- will not be
  9. Just happy to have something to track. Even the pipiest of dreams beats having nothing going on at all.
  10. I guess you're not missing anything, I'm just biased towards the fantasy range caveat. It only takes one or two blizzard runs for me to be hopeful . That's the issue with having little real forecasting knowledge outside of looking at models 24/7.
  11. Givver a chance Edit: Or do you really science dictates that it's likely gonna be a rainer? As of now it seems to be an even spread on all the models in terms of position but obviously I know very very little.
  12. It's been snowing here in Aurora for hours consistently now. Since I'm southwest of where the lake enhancement was *supposed* to maximize, I'm very happy with even this much. Flake size is decent and everything but roads are just warm enough for it to not be a shit show.
  13. Already have like 1.5 to 2 inches OTG here in Plainfield
  14. Either February 1st, 2011 or October 11th, 2021. I think we all know what the first is... I was rather young but I remember the principal announcing that school would be cancelled for at minimum the next two days. I also recall there being an abandoned car on the road in my neighborhood when there was still only an inch or so on the ground. What really stands out to me was how quickly the snow accumulated in a matter of hours; I was playing with my Legos upstairs, listening to the wind, and in just a few hours everything was drifted to shit outside. The fort we built in the biggest snowplow mound nearby was one for the ages too. The second date marks my first successful tornado intercept. I had seen a few funnels before but I hadn't really documented them well. I was also all on my own this time; I just decided to wing it after work. The cell that produced my nader (for the record, definitely a very weak tornado) was just a tiny little "popcorn supercell" that formed ahead of the nearest, larger severe t-storm. It was truly a tiny cell, but it had an extremely definitely updraft with some textbook features that I found very educational for future chases. Easily the biggest problem I've encountered on my attempts is simply not knowing the difference between real phenomena and clouds that simply look like them. On a previous chase with some buddies I missed a funnel cloud visible from miles away because I thought it was just something else and that it couldn't possibly be a tornado, just to check radarscope and find that it was.
  15. I'd take a nice prolonged 1-3" in a heartbeat especially if it sticks around for the duration of the cold.
  16. It would be cool if we could eek out at least a fun model watching sesh for mid next week
  17. Easily loudest lightning strike of the year just a few seconds ago. Lit up the inside of my kitchen, definitely in the forest preserve that's like a quarter mile away.
  18. Anyone want to bet with me that Chicago will receive its first 2in+ snowfall before the end of November
  19. He says first snow will be December fifth, let's see how that pans out
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