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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. And no one's tree shade is that black while the sky above them is that color of blue. 2/10 editing skills
  2. The bar is literally buried six feet under, how can we bust right?
  3. Yeah by setup wise I meant how the models resolve compared to one another, not the physical storm setup. My bad. I don't know shit but I know at least that much
  4. Wasn't this almost the exact same setup model wise that the pre-Christmas snowstorm did? The Euro was farthest north and amped, the GFS was farthest SE and weakest, and the CMC was dickin around in the middle, right?
  5. Dude I was literally sitting on the toilet about to write that exact same thing a few minutes ago but I decided not to double post and beat a dead horse. Seriously though, is this how it'll always be? The weak/SE trend has quite literally been by far the most dependable thing in snow forecasting the last several years imo. It's always the same. I'm sure there will be a couple golden runs coming up and then the whole thing really collapses to shit once we're under 80 hours.
  6. Big SE/weaker bump on that Wednesday/Thursday system. Trend getting a head start
  7. The one-two punch on 18z GFS is neat. Just imagine if you could cash in on both. For giggles and shits.
  8. Even the dookiest signal is better than complete flatline.
  9. I would argue that the Euro's thermal issues are no worse than the GFS being off by a day. Also let's wait till we see what actually happens before playing this game to begin with. Not even arguing that the GFS is that bad compared to the other models I just don't know why you feel the need to fellate it full force
  10. Yeah, that was silly of me. I really do agree with you insofar as I wish we had wall to wall snow and cold too. I just think I've convinced myself that it's not gonna happen unless I pack my bags
  11. I love snow probably just as much as you do but I'm getting the vibe that your concept of winter is based on Norway or some shit rather than what winter here actually is like.
  12. The equivalent of trees being in bloom is trees not being in bloom.
  13. Let's assume that you're right. Shouldn't we still try to stop the affects of whatever bullshit you're talking about? Don't exactly see why we'd be okay with losing land to the ocean. And rising temperatures are just one very small part of a much greater issue. You can't blame the sun for driving countless species to extinction or absolutely trashing the developed world. I don't get how greenhouse gasses are such a mystery to people. How does it not make sense to you that burning a fuck load of fuel and letting all of the products of the reaction sit in the atmosphere might not be a great idea for the future?
  14. I agree that it's very obnoxious that society seems to try very hard to put the blame on individuals (plastic straws, etc) while we largely ignore the impact of industrial/corporate contributions. And yeah, the rest of the world is also gonna be a bitch. But as far as weather models are concerned?
  15. If you were paying attention you'd know that the GFS was lagging a full day behind literally every other model with this storm until about two days ago. No idea where you're getting your info from. I also have no intention of arguing with you because people that actually think climate change doesn't exist are beyond reason. There was never a W to pick up in the first place. Dumbass.
  16. I think there's a correlation between arguing the GFS is the best performer and denying climate change. On a weather forum of all places. Nonce.
  17. I feel like it's actually been a while since we've had one of these, even a weak/se failure mode one. The bar is already so low that there's really nothing to lose.
  18. Yep. I'm in that phase where you act like if you only check the models once a day then maybe the snowstorms will stop being shy.
  19. Me neither, deep down. I think a real weenie by definition can't get used to it. But it was really looking so golden -timing, trends, etc- that I let myself be fooled.
  20. Nice to hear that there's at least a chance for a chance or two to emerge but honestly being teased with feet of snow for Christmas burned me so bad that I'm genuinely numb now. No nerve endings left
  21. Fog tonight here in Aurora is unreal. You physically cannot see street lights a quarter mile away
  22. Honestly I'll take the chance of one of like four thread the needle events working out over trying to will an actual even into existence because that hasn't worked for shit either lately.
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