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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Dude that cell near Rochelle was legit as it passed overhead. The greenest clouds I've ever seen, the whole sky was one writhing mass. One semi almost tipped over right in front of us, a mile down the road one was on its side.
  2. Just hitting the road, the "first Tuesday of the month" siren just deafened us from right across the road. Foreshadowing much?
  3. The RRFS looks a whole lot better too. Still west but with a whole squad of beefy discrete cells.
  4. FV3 still holds with a couple of good storms along the border.
  5. Yeah I'm just starting to catch on to that. Oopsies
  6. FWIW, the RRFS A is up and running again. its 12z run had what discrete cells do fire in Central IA rather than closer to the border.
  7. D-. Only reason it isn't a fucking E is because we got a white Christmas out of it, which means a lot to me. Tempted to lower it anyway just because of how badly we got baited with that event. Don't even get me started on the rest of the farce that was this winter.
  8. I thought roughly the same area is in play tomorrow?
  9. Still dunno what to think for tomorrow. DVN and the SPC are both fairly optimistic that shit's gonna go down but the fact that we still don't really know when convection might actually occur -combined with the fact that fast storm motions may result in trash chasing conditions- makes me question whether it's worth driving around for half a day straight. Normally I don't really make a decision either way until the morning of an event but I'm supposed to take a couple of friends along and it would be nice to have a plan for them.
  10. The previous/current severe episodes have prompted me to read the discussions of other offices a little more often and LOT is quite literally on another level. It's just so obvious that they simply hold themselves to a higher standard witht their discussions. They are far more descriptive and easier to understand for a beginner while also being more informative and in-depth overall.
  11. I see. You're all good, I figured that's what you meant but feared that I might be jumping the gun due to my own eagerness to chase. Cheers
  12. Concerns you as in "??" or as in "oh shoot, this might actually be a substantial threat after all"?
  13. How are storm motions looking right now for this threat? Are they going to be as wack as Friday or even a little bit slower? I know people were saying that it was gonna be shit again for chasing but
  14. Seriously props to you guys. Absolutely world class footage. If I saw something like that for the first time my pics and vids would look like ass compared to the cinematic stuff you guys managed to produce
  15. The NAM was massively west with yesterday too if I remember right no?
  16. This image is really all I have to show for my chase yesterday. This is from the Peoria cell; pic was taken near some collection of farm shacks called Cornell on I-27. The storm kinda looked meh on radar when I got to it and it was a very messy affair overall with tons of rain and smaller cells popping up a few miles east. I definitely did not go about things safely; instead of approaching from the SW where I could actually see what was happening, I sat in the rain and let the storm come to me. I thought the storm was going to shit until the rain cleared and the edge of the mesocyclone became very apparent. I bailed due east to avoid getting screwed, got lost in the rain again, and the emerged to find the storm seemingly tightening up directly in front of me. End product was the little chode in the picture. For the briefest of seconds it was an actual tornado with a pair of suction vortices making it to the ground. Broad circulation continued for a bit and that was that. Tried to chase the cell on the way home but once it gets ahead of you, there's simply no catching up.
  17. The Peoria storm dropped a brief spinup
  18. I've been entertaining the idea of just heading farther SW so that I can ride those storms back or bailing head west to catch the second wave
  19. I know where to go, I just want @Chicago Storm to spoon feed it to me so I feel more confident.
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