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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Euro a tick north/4mb deeper and looks pretty decent. Just please not a full rainer, 8.4" was obviously a joke but adding to the white would be nice.
  2. Sometimes is the operational word there. Also, we're under no obligation to tolerate someone who's deliberately trying to piss everyone off just because they can. Even at work it's one thing if someone is just annoying sometimes but if all they do is try to get a rise out of you, that's a different story. Threatening is one thing but idk if that ever really happened; might be remembering wrong tho
  3. No grass visible. Pretty swag to set the mood for hopefully not a bed shitter on Monday or Tuesday or whenever
  4. The first one is either going to cease to exist or go nuclear in retaliation
  5. More than the current midrange outlook believe it or not
  6. It's so nice to not have to be depending on 60+ hour NAM runs for hope
  7. Me too, that denial stage is just hitting exceptionally hard
  8. Look gang it's either gonna trend to shit or bounce back in a couple days and be stronger so tap into that self-restraint we all definitely have and hold tight
  9. I will use my iron Kantian will to force this storm to track perfectly for mby
  10. If there's a rug pull in a couple of days, it really will be hard to live down.
  11. Oh I feel you for sure. I'm just saying that out of the two sad endings, I'd much rather take the one that at least keeps a bit of hope alive you know?
  12. Like I said in the other thread, idc about getting missed just don't let something crucial break down four days out and the whole storm vanishes overnight again or some shit.
  13. The fact of the matter is Palm hoe was the equivalent of going on a BMW forum and then posting exclusively about how bimmers suck and everyone should buy a Miat. Yes, it's a valid stance, but fuck off with it to Reddit or something and stop invading the two square inches of internet space that we use to foam out over clouds. Warm winter weather is still weather but let's be fr we're all 80% here and primarily active in the winter because we want big snows. Bitch boy used that to excrete as much rage-bait-lite as possible because, I imagine, of some sort of psychological damage he sustained IRL. It's still not clear to me why he suddenly vanished -I imagine somebody mentioned it to the admins and they finally did something- but it's the best thing that has happened to the enjoyability of this forum in as long as I've been here for sure.
  14. As in that's something to look out for or a solution you consider to be unlikely?
  15. Don't care if it's a miss locally but if this storm goes poof you will see me on the news
  16. Good one lol. Sarcasm aside I really do think this thread should be met-led. Don't want to sound like I'm jumping the gun but we only get so many of these chances and I think we should make it a point to let someone who actually knows what's up decide when the time is right
  17. Alek how about you start the thread when we get to that point
  18. I think we should elect a thread starter beforehand so that it's all official if we actually get that far, and I think it should be one of the wizards that have been dropping all the knowledge in here lately
  19. Per LOT extended range courtesy our very own: Looking out beyond day 7, for multiple model cycles in a row, the ensemble means have consistently depicted the ejection of an anomalously deep western trough into the Midwest. The pieces could thus come together to support a strong synoptic system affecting the region (irrespective of precip. types) early in the first full work week of January. Medium-long range ensemble guidance also has been consistent in an active and colder pattern continuing through mid January, so there may eventually be some bonafide winter weather threats to track. Stay tuned. Castro
  20. You nerds ready to suffer some more emotional damage cause it's coming
  21. That actually sounds like a total blast, I'm terribly at bocce sadly
  22. Maybe I'm silly but if it isn't gonna be snowy, I think gloomy is the next best Christmas weather. Keeps some of the coziness alive. Every other week the depression weather can piss off though
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