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Everything posted by Jrlg1181

  1. Beautiful country , spent the night in Newcastle after leaving Mt Rushmore on our 5495 mile circle drive around the country 3 years ago in April.... Wanted to visit Cheyenne but didn't make it - went nw through Montana instead...
  2. Tstorm earlier this afternoon looked pretty good on radar passing through Waynesboro - Managed to pick up some very light rain with no accumulation on my dry side of town... Second time in 5 days - based on looking at radar , would have guessed a third to a half of a inch total - nope 0.04
  3. 0.04 down here , when radar looked like at least 0.25 Was hopeful , but I knew it would be another disappointment when i got home and checked ... Slightly above a half inch in just about a full month ...
  4. Just under a half inch since May 18th down here in my backyard in northern edge of Waynesboro, with no legit rain in the near future... We were teetering on the edge of a cliff most of the spring - think we just fell off... I work in Charlottesville, normally it's like a rainforest here compared to my yard 30 miles to the west - but not right now, very very dry here too...
  5. Prior to today I had received 0.23 in the past 17 days... 0.24 today.. Radar looked more impressive than actual ground truth down here this evening... We are teetering on the edge but we haven't fallen over just yet... However about 41% of my yearly total so far occurred in January which is definitely concerning..
  6. Was hoping it would hold together to get up here, but it dosent appear to be able too... A couple of sprinkles so far.... Only .19 in the last 15 days here northern edge of Waynesboro...
  7. 0.19 since two Saturday's ago.. 3.21 for the month- highest since January.. January.... 6.58 February... 1.67 March....... 1.85 April.......... 2.21 May........... 3.21
  8. Pleasant afternoon underway , partly cloudy - humid... A bit breezy the last 30 min or so - some high cirrus clouds with some fast moving low level cumulus racing off towards the NE... Paid day off so messing around outside doing alittle more yardwork..
  9. Well that was a eventful uneventful event.......... About 5 min of impressive big time wind followed by .06 of rain... Thanks to a random huge cell that blew up just to my east in front of the line....
  10. Great day to be outside doing yard work... Spent the entire day out side... Hopefully this latest line coming east can hold together alittle since this ain't midnight... For what was expected to be a damp week at times - 3 brief showers and .01 total
  11. Yeah been wondering the same...
  12. Sunny with a few cumulus floating around a bit warm and humid upper 70s... Everything is much greener with a moist smell in the air after the good rain event Sat morning....
  13. Yes it did actually.... 1.53. Very nice indeed...
  14. Yeah and my expectations of a another dud is looking more like the usual reality... Will see later 2nght if any legit rain occurs...
  15. A flood watch down here ? Wow - That's about the same as a winter storm watch for the I95 corridor... These things dont happen much anymore...
  16. Beautiful day - blue skies with a few cumulus clouds floating... Nice temps , light breeze... 0.16 precip since last Sunday ..
  17. We did pick up 1.02 over the weekend into Monday... Only .13 fell Monday when flash flooding was occurring to our north in Harrisonburg and over toward Scottsville... Everything greened up nicely this week... However as expected , with the last 3 months of way below precip -the drought monitor shows abnormally dry conditions rolling up the valley south of Harrisonburg now...
  18. Mowed the grass twice within 6 days 2 weeks ago... Has barely grown any since... No rain in 3 .5 weeks and these summer temps is really starting the drought going again... And there is no doubt the drought has returned , less than 6 inches here since late January... Really really do need this weekend to come through in the Valley...
  19. Radar looked half way promising... Some yellows moving through - but final total was 0.01 ... Wettest dam month since January! A bit over 2 inches !
  20. Exactly what I've been saying... Well under 6 inches total since late January.... Literally just about every month since the fall of 22 has been below avg here with the exception of the past Nov Dec and Jan...
  21. Cold and cloudy... miserable type of day.. Radar showed precip all morning but nothing reached the ground.. Jan - 6.58 Feb - 1.65 Mar - 1.85 Apr - 2.21
  22. Lol - However with deep concentration and focus and with much help from Ms Mother Nature , she finally got me over the elusive 2 inch mark for the first time in months... However that may have been the max , I highly doubt 3 inches is attainable....
  23. Yeah this one was a real nice event for the I81 Valley area..... Finished with 1.40 , almost double any event since January... Actually up to 2.10 for the month now... First 2 inch month since yep January...!
  24. A favorite type of afternoon , this heavy drizzle fine tropical type of rain that radar dosent see as well is putting down some much needed rain..2/3 inch... With luck may get a 1 inch event for the first time since the last big January event...
  25. Visitor for the last hour just sitting there, in the breezy conditions and the sunshine showers combo - really bright and showery at the same time... Real tropical look outside.... Up to 0.25 which is nice for us down here...
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