Strange 5 weeks - streams coming out of the southern SNP went from completely dry or a trickle to raging floodwaters to back to either completely dry or barely a trickle again.... Indicative of low groundwater I guess, everything is still nice and green though....
1.16 earlier , final monthly total of 7.52...
Only above normal month since Jan, haven't added up the numbers yet, but Jan/Aug combo is certainly well above the other 6 months combined for my backyard...
I'll never forget a winter storm in the late 90s.. As a 20 yr old in nw Albemarle I got annoyed that it was going to be all rain east of the Blue Ridge- with snow in the valley... So I drove up to the top of Afton on 250 in the middle of that night... In front of my car looking toward Waynesboro - 8 inches of snow & giant flakes falling, behind my car was bare ground and heavy rain... Within 50 feet that big of a difference- that was a strange feeling....
No idea, at work again today -getting ready to drive back from Richmond .. The Mrs ain't home either...
The radar sure looks awful nice !! But I've been mislead by that dam thing quite often this summer with thunderstorm activity ..
It almost got me right with Deb and last night it was off by only 0.02..
But there has been times when it has been off by way more than a inch... for August it has me at 6.41 I'm at 6.36
Thank God for Deb - monthly total without her is 0.03 ... 5.93 with her !!
Everything looks so much different and so much better over the past week so hopefully this dosent turn into another 2 or 3 months of desert dryness here in the central valley..
But if it does at least I got to experience a personal top 15 or 20 weather event with Ms Deb that night lol
Amazing difference in a week, everything is so much greener , insects seem more noisy at night--water flowing in previously dry creek beds.... Everything just feels better......
In a way I guess the extreme drought helped mitigate physical damage... There is some substantial road damage in western Green County where up to 11 inches of rain fell.. Things could/would have been so much more destructive had this been a wet year out here.... However the summer agricultural drought damage has been extreme - hopefully the late summer / fall agricultural production will be much more successful....
Two days ago this was a trickle , couple weeks ago it was dry... The Moormans River in western Albemarle at the SNP border... It was about 3.5 feet higher than this picture taken this afternoon, judging by the flattened grass and debris....Western Virginia so desperately needed this...
Fits nicely with what radar was showing for a few hours around midnight.... Was an ominous looking radar for awhile there with intense rain locked in over the Shenandoah NP and both immediate sides of the mts...
Agree with everything you said... That is one incredible band straddling Augusta and Albemarle Counties for the last several hours.. It may be reaching the level of some significant flood damage in some places soon...
Just under 3.4 so far , way more than the combined total since May 18th..
No electric , gusty winds even down off the mt, roads are covered with leaves and twigs and small branches...
On top of Afton right now heading home from work.. Just sitting here for a sec.... WOW
True tropical storm conditions, very high winds blinding rain...continual lightning..
Same bday as myself I see..
Happy early birthday Friday !
Always was fascinated with Camille growing up nearby, always looked for info and writings on the event... A few interesting facts from that night ...
Rainfall is believed to have been 35 inches or more in spots in about 5 hours..
Davis Creek , a normal little creek was measured by geologists as potentially reaching 51 feet in one spot coming down a hollow..
Some people are still missing and some were found but never identified..
The weather bureau at the time said it was likely the maximum amount of rain that could fall in that amount of time in this part of the world..
The mighty James River coming up from Lynchburg actually stopped or backed up for awhile ... As the volume and power of water coming out of Nelson's smaller rivers was overwhelming the slower moving James for awhile that morning...